IV-EDXCV-2014: Comenzó la cuenta regresiva...!!!

IV-EDXCV-2014: Comenzó la cuenta regresiva...!!!
Diseño del Afiche: Yimber Gaviria, Cali, Colombia.

viernes, 3 de junio de 2011


BRAZIL. A Rádio Educadora de Limeira em ondas tropicais de 120
metros QRG de 2380 kHz, ainda continua no ar após as 19h, mais ou
menos. Vai até por volta das 5h da madrugada [local time, must be =
22-08 UT]. Trata-se da única emissora nessa faixa que se mantém no ar.
O dono da emissora recebe muitos QSL's de longe, motivo de sua
permanência na faixa. Seu transmissor é fraco (QRP) para uma emissora
comercial em ondas tropicais. Está com menos de 250 w, não sei
exatamente a potência. O problema é que a propagação, nesta época do
ano, começa a faltar. É o que há, colegas 73 (Luiz [Chaine Neto]
LIMEIRA SP, 27-5-2011, radioescutas yg via WORLD OF RADIO 1567, DXLD)

** BRAZIL. 3324.986, 21.5 2235, R Mundial, São Paulo // webstream.
Fair. I also checked the reception of those 90 mb Brazilians from the
DL0AO Perseus server near Nürnberg in Germany. The Perseus receiver is
located in an old military base (very low noise) and is equipped with
beverages pointing SW. But the signals were a little bit better here
on my Flag!

3365.012, 21.5 2310, R Cultura, Araraquara with music.

3375.366, 21.5 2240, R Municipal, São Gabriel Cachoeira with music,

4865.027, 28.5 2300, tentative R Verdes Florestas with a long talk-
program like “A voz do Brazil” which ended 2308. I checked the
webstream of R Alvorada de Londrina but no synchronized audio at all.
This one was also disturbed by a carrier on 4864.341 but no audio was
heard. A few years back Rádio Missões da Amazônia - Cidade Nova was
logged on 4865.04 – is this one really gone?? (Thomas Nilsson, Sweden,
SW Bulletin May 29 via DXLD)

** BRAZIL. 4878.7, R. Dif.ª de Roraima, Boa Vista RR, 2214-2236, 26/5,
folk songs, infos on the Roraima state university, advertisements;
35322. 73 (Carlos Gonçalves, PORTUGAL, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

On the air now --- 2335 GMT, 4878.64 tentative, Brasil, Rdif Roraima,
Boa Vista RR, 1000 noted 26 May and 2335 (Bob Wilkner, Pompano Beach,
South Florida, May 26, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 5939.86, Radio Voz Missionária, 0055-0110, May 30,
Portuguese religious talk. Portuguese inspirational music. Weak, poor
with adjacent channel splatter. Better on // 11749.92 (Brian
Alexander, PA, DX Listening Digest)

** BRAZIL. 9675, May 26 at 0600, tnx to absence of WYFR 9680,
Portuguese in the clear, good signal talking about pecadores
(sinners), then Lord`s Prayer and Ave Maria; it`s R. Canção Nova,
Cachoeira Paulista (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL [and non]. 11780, looking for R. Nacional da Amazônia, UT
Sunday May 29 at 0521, since normally they run all-night on Saturday-
into-Sunday only, but no big signal as expected; however there was a
JBA carrier, perhaps CNR8 as scheduled from Beijing. RNZI was good on
11725, so propagation from the southern hemisphere appeared to be OK.
Wonder if RNA`s other transmitter has downbroken too? Still always
absent from 6185, fortunately for XEPPM and its fans.

11780, May 30 at 2128, I can hear Brazilian accent aside much stronger
Anguilla 11775, so RNA is still on the air despite absence overnight
into last UT Sunday. I wonder if they are really running on greatly
reduced power now, or just poor propagation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** BRAZIL. 11815, May 31 at 0540 with romantic music, 0542
announcement in Brazilian intonation, so R. Brasil Central, Goiânia.
Poor signal but the OBOB (only Brazilian on band) that was audible

** BRAZIL. 15189.98, Radio Inconfidência, 0050-0105, May 26,
Portuguese talk. Local pop music. Weak but readable. Fair on peaks.
// 6010 - weak, poor with adjacent channel splatter (Brian Alexander,
PA, WORLD OF RADIO 1567, DX Listening Digest)

15189.95, R. Inconfidência, Belo Horizonte MG, 1404-..., 28/5,
football news, advertisements; 35443. 73 (Carlos Gonçalves, PORTUGAL,

15189.91. Radio Inconfidência, 0045-0110, May 30, audible after WYFR
0045 sign off. Classical music and Portuguese talk. Poor. Weak. Also
poor, weak signal on // 6009.93 with adjacent channel splatter (Brian
Alexander, PA, WORLD OF RADIO 1567, DX Listening Digest)

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