IV-EDXCV-2014: Comenzó la cuenta regresiva...!!!

IV-EDXCV-2014: Comenzó la cuenta regresiva...!!!
Diseño del Afiche: Yimber Gaviria, Cali, Colombia.

martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012

DX, DX Y MAS DX´S ...desde diferentes lugares del mundo !!!!

Re: [playdx2003] Tips"Girolla"Buccinasco [Archivos adjuntos 2]

domingo, 23 de septiembre, 2012 10:04
Añadir remitente a Contactos
Bel bottino Mauro!

Il 23/09/2012 11.25, Mauro ha scritto:
Buona domenica...di seguito alcuni ascolti...in allegato file mp3 della Korea HLAZ su 1566khz e  Free Chousun 7505khz
7120,R Hargeisa SOM,1727 21September,music local mix+ID noise HAM Taped,33333(Giroletti)
7165,Voice of the Broad Masses ERI Asmara,1740 21September,nx + music local noise CW HAM,33333(Giroletti)
1566,HLAZ KOR Jeiu,1912 21September,px local in KOR,33333(Giroletti)
5005,R Difusion de Guinea Equatorial GNE Bata,1940 21 September, px mxlocal,33333(Giroletti)
15191.40,R Inconfidencia B Belo Horizonte,2015 21September, px mx ID" ....Inconfidencia..",33333(Giroletti)
6070,R North Sea Int Pirate,2050 21Sepetmber, px mx +ID,33333(Giroletti)
1566,TWR BEN Parakou,2120 21September, px local in F,23333(Giroletti)
5025,VL8K AUS Katerine,2134 21September,px mx relay ABC //4835khz VL8A,33333(Giroletti)
14950.7,R Salem Stereo CLM Rioblanco Tolima,2150 21September, tentative music weak modulation ,11222(Giroletti)
1566,R Kolbe I Schio,2310 21September, px rlg in I,33333(Giroletti)
1550,RASD ALG Rabuoni,2020 21September, px in local better USB weak signal,33333(Giroletti)
9625,CBC North Quebec CAN Sackville,0443 22September, local program  music "Ringo Star" ,44444(Giroletti)
4789.9, R Vision PRU Lambayeque,0450 22September, local px weak modulation,22333(Giroletti)
15500,Sudan Radio Service CLA,1640 22September,px local in Arabic id"Sudand Radio Service",55555(Giroletti)
4319,AFRTS feeder DGA Diego Garcia,1650 22September,USB mode px Rock music relay ,33333(Giroletti)
10000,ITALCABLE Friends,1655 22September,Time signal in I "bip bip bip ore 18,55",44444(Giroletti)
4950,R Kashmir IND Sringar,1705 22September, px local Kashmiri ID,32333(Giroletti)
1584,R Studio X I Momigno,1850 22September, px mix ID in I,33333(Giroletti)
7505,R Free Chousun CLA,2013 22September, px mx in KOR +ID Taped,44444(Giroletti)
13362,AFRST feederAFN GUM Barrigada,2040 22September, USB mode px in E relay,33333(Giroletti)
1566,HLAZ KOR Jeiu,2058 22September,px local in KOR +ID e time Taped,44444(Giroletti)
9705.6, Voix du Sahel NGR Niamey,2215 22September, px mx pop + ID in F,44444(Giroletti)
7189.85,SLBC CLN Ekala,0135 23September, px mx locale weak signal //11905khz->(44444),22322(Giroletti)
4877.4,R Diff Roraima B Boavista,0143 23September, px mx in P,23333(Giroletti)
4774.95,R Tarma PRU Tarma,0153 23September, tentantive weak signal mx peruvian flute,12111(Giroletti)
9819.45, R Nove de Julho B Sao Paolo,0218 23September, px mx +IDin P,23333(Giroletti)
5909.92,Alacaravàn Radio CLM Lomalinda,0231 23Septembre,px mx +ID"Onda corta Alcaravàn radio""Desde Colombia onda corta Alcaravàn radio potencia de musica",34444(Giroletti)
73 e buoni DX!

- Mauro -
-Swl 1510-
-JRC525Nrd - Lowe HF150-
Filter PAR Electronics – BCST-LPF + BCST-HPF- DSP 9
-Eavesdropper SWL Sloper 11mt to 120mt Band- Loop ALA 100 M
-Lat. 45°25'0"N Long. 9°7'0"E -Locator grid. Jn 45 Nk-

Roberto Rizzardi
SWL I/0216/GR
Porto S. Stefano (GR) Italy
Lat 42N26 - Long 11E07 - Locator grid JN52NK
Receivers: ICOM IC-R71E
Sangean ATS909 with 2x80kHz Murata filters in FM
RTL-SDR RTL2832U+E4000 usb tuner with SDRSharp software
Antennas: Indoor self-made single-turn coax loop
15 meters outdoor random wire with RF System Magnetic Longwire Balun
Telescopic and 7 meters indoor long wire antenna
Dual-band VHF/UHF vertical antenna without radials
Website: http://diarioradio.blogspot.it/
Skype - Twitter: robybenjy

73 e buoni DX!

- Mauro -
-Swl 1510-
-JRC525Nrd - Lowe HF150-
Filter PAR Electronics – BCST-LPF + BCST-HPF- DSP 9
-Eavesdropper SWL Sloper 11mt to 120mt Band- Loop ALA 100 M
-Lat. 45°25'0"N Long. 9°7'0"E -Locator grid. Jn 45 Nk-

Roberto Rizzardi
SWL I/0216/GR
Porto S. Stefano (GR) Italy
Lat 42N26 - Long 11E07 - Locator grid JN52NK
Receivers: ICOM IC-R71E
Sangean ATS909 with 2x80kHz Murata filters in FM
RTL-SDR RTL2832U+E4000 usb tuner with SDRSharp software
Antennas: Indoor self-made single-turn coax loop
15 meters outdoor random wire with RF System Magnetic Longwire Balun
Telescopic and 7 meters indoor long wire antenna
Dual-band VHF/UHF vertical antenna without radials
Website: http://diarioradio.blogspot.it/
Skype - Twitter: robybenjy
ascolti dell'ultimo periodo:
1180 18/09/2012 0440- CUB CMBA R Rebelde; commenti in E, Id “Rebelde, La Habana” (//1620)32322
1200 18/09/2012 0443- USA WXKS Newton MA; commenti, slogan e ID “WXKS Newton”32322 
1200 22/09/2012 0430- CAN CFGO Ottawa ON; commenti sportivi, Id “CFGO Ottawa Sport Radio”32322
1500 18/09/2012 0440- VEN YVRZ R Dos Mil, Cumaná; px mx locale, Id “Radio Dos Mil”22432
1510 18/09/2012 0440- USA WWZN Boston MA; commenti e interviste, Id “Fox Sport Radio”44433
1550 13/09/2012 0429- CUB CMBA R Rebelde; px mx locale, Id “Rebelde La Habana, emisora de la revolución”
(// 1620 e 1180 kHz)12321
1570 18/09/2012 0444- PRU OCU4J R Bethel, Lima; px religioso e Id “Radio Bethel”33433
1580 12/09/2012 0432- CLM HJQZ R Maria, Barranquilla; px religioso, Id “Radio Maria”21321
1600 18/09/2012 0440- USA WUNR Brookline NY; px mx in S, Id “WUNR”42332
1610 12/09/2012 0420- AIA The Caribbean Beacon Anguilla; px religioso in E33333
1610 15/09/2012 0438- CAN CHHA Toronto ON; px mx, Id “www.sanlorenzo.ca”e “Voces Latina” (TNX Groppazzi) 22322
1620 18/09/2012 0435- CUB CMBA R Rebelde; commenti e notizie, Id “Rebelde La Habana, emisora de la revolución” (interferenze da CMKX)54444
1650 18/09/2012 0445- USA WHKT Portsmouth VA; notizie, mx e ID “WHRT”42332     
Rx: JRC 535 + Perseus
Ant: K9AY
Saverio de Cian
Sedico (Belluno)

 BRAZIL. 11815, Sept 24 at 0509 not even a carrier detectable from R. Brasil Central, which has been missing for a while, altho Manuel Méndez, Spain got a full ID from it around 23 hours earlier. 11765 was audible and also maybe something on 11735 was Brasil, plus usual supersig from 11780 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
* BANGLADESH. 15105, Sept 25 at 1259, BB is back after missing since Sept 21, tune in very poor signal just in time to hear sign-off in English, brief tone test, and off at 1300. At 1316, 15105 is back on with presumed Nepali, S Asian music, slightly better at poor level now. At 1328 music with heavy flutter; 1344 announcement, tone test, open carrier until 1346.6*

[latinoamericadx] e-QSL ZLM TAUPO RADIO

lunes, septiembre 24, 2012, 1:58 pm
Ver detalles del contacto
"playDX" , "conexion"
v/s Peter Baird - Radio Operator
Informe enviado a: maritime@kordia.co.nz
Adjunto: Folleto de la estación que incluye horarios y frecuencias de transmisión
Demoro: 85 días

Buenos Dx

Rafael Rodríguez R.
Bogotá D.C. - COLOMBIA
Escuchas desde San Carlos de Bariloche,...
Patricio Radioham25 de Septiembre de 2012 5:29
Escuchas desde San Carlos de Bariloche, Provincia de Rio Negro, Argentina, 25 de septiembre de 2012:

11620, Radio Internacional de China, 0945 utc. Programa en inglés con noticias económicas. SINPO: 33333.
11825, CNR-1, 0940 utc. Programa en mandarín con música local. SINPO: 33333.
11840, KTWR, 0930 utc. Programa en inglés con lecciones cristianas. SINPO: 33333.
12085, Voz de Mongolia, 0935 utc. Programa en mongol con música local. SINPO: 33333.

Hasta mañana si Dios quiere, muchas bendiciones !! — en San Carlos de Bariloche, Rio Negro.

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