Dear DX-friends,
> Herewith my latest tips from Skovlunde where we the latest days have had
> spring-like weather, so all snow have melted.
> My RX is an AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire.
> 3815 USB 2115-2212* GRL 29.01+02+03.02 KNR, Tasiilaq
> Greenlandic talk, 2200 Danish news, 2209 KNR jingle and closing ann
> 15211 Last call before station closing 08.02! AP-DNK
According to the original news from SHN, the closedown date is 11 Feb! At 8 am local time. See DXLD 10-50.
> N6025 1920-2000 CHN 29.01 Voice of China New all night
> frequency Chinese talks and interview - not broadcast at this hour
> before! 33333 From *1955 // 4800 AP-DNK
Not a big deal; only reason CNR1 is here is to jam Radio Free Asia which started using this frequency in mid-January.
> N9305 2025-2110 EGY 01.02 R Cairo, Abis Arabic phone-in
> reports, ID: "Huna al-Qahira", songs, 2057-2107 President Hosni Mubarak
> speaking to the Nation stating that he will resign in September at the
> next Presidential election. 45433 AP-DNK
> Best 73,
> Anker
In what sense at all is this a new frequency??
73, Glenn Hauser
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