Magazine (Abid Hussain Sajid, Pakistan, dxldyg via DX LISTENING
As a pdf attachment in the dxldyg --- Very interesting, mostly in
English even about programming in other languages, tho there is very
little SW programming in English itself (gh, DXLD)
** PERU. 3329.53, Ondas del Huallaga, Huánuco, 1030 to 1100 hyper om
en espanol, ID once, and music, 8 February.
4789.912, Radio Visión, Chiclayo, 1100 noted distorted and FMing. 2
4986.833, Radio Manantial, Huancayo, 2330 to 0020 "...con junto en
Santo Domingo" excellent music, mentions of Bolivia, 0000 ID by om
Radio Manantial, Huancayo .....kilo...banda..." 3/4 February [Wilkner]
(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida, US, Icom 746Pro Modified by
Dallas Lankford, NRD 535D [Gilfer] Drake R8, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PERU. 3329.560, 2330 UT, Ondas de Huallaga, Huànuco, Spanish talks,
4746.970, 2315, Radio Huanta 2000, Huanta. Nice Peru songs and ID in
Spanish, good reception.
4789.900, 2317, Radio Visión - LV Salvación, weak religious talks in
4955, 2332, Radio Cultura Amauta, Huanta, Good, Spanish talks by male
and nice Peru music + ID "Radio Cultura" [sic].
4986.400, 2328, Radio Manantial, Huanta, Spanish talks by female,
religious program.
5120.553, 2318, Ondas del Suroriente, Quillabamba, Nice Peru music but
weak (Maurits Van Driessche, Belgium, Feb 5, hard this stations with
my Perseus SDR receiver in overnight recording, Super Kaz antennas,
** PERU. 4747.1, RADIO HUANTA 2000. Huanta. Perú. 0048-0102* febr 6
Presentado música de Los Errantes de Chuquibamba, en el programa:
Sentimiento Arequipeño. "...yo escucho Radio Huanta 2000, siempre en
primer lugar..." Fuera del aire a las 0100
6174.0, RADIO TAWANTISUYO. Cusco, Perú. 0020-0035 febr 6. Programa:
Voces y Canciones del Perú. "...Radio Tawantisuyo ofreciéndoles
siempre la música del Perú profundo..." Locutor en vernacular
9674.8, PACIFICO RADIO. Lima, 2040-2115 febr 5. Programa: Dialogando,
Con análisis de libros evangélicos. Anuncios de Librería El Inca.
Menciona Grupo Pacífico de comunicaciones. "... estamos en Pacífico
Radio 640 amplitud modulada, usted nos puede leer en en nuestra página
http://www.pacificoradio.com o a través de Facebook..." Promo del
programa: Fé en Marcha. Excelente calidad en el audio y en la señal
mas no así en los 4975 kHz que aunque activa durantes las noches el
audio no puede ser entendido (Rafael Rodríguez R., Bogotá D.C. -
COLOMBIA, Receptor Winradio G303i, Antena Dipolo de 10 metros,
condiglist yg via DXLD)
** PERU. 4955.006, Radio Cultura Amauta, 1117-1130 Feb 4. Yes with the
best signal on the band, noted a male and female in what sounded like
serious Spanish comments. Heard the male mention "Amauta" here and
there. This sounds like a news program with reports by other
announcers. After listening for awhile, "Amauta and Peru" are
mentioned rather often.
4986.385, Radio Manantial, Tentative, 1125-1150 Feb 4, Noted a fair
signal at tune in with a female in Spanish Language comments. From her
tone, she sounded as if she were giving a religious discourse, which
continued during the period. Tried to find some backup information on
this. Ran a search for DXLD, but Google rejected me. [?? gh] I'm use
to it. Checked out AOKI's database and Manantial was listed on 4991.
Next I looked at EIBI and Manantial was listed on 4986. Signal was
fair to threshold (Chuck Bolland, WR-G31DDC, 26N 081W, Clewiston FL,
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