An initiative held by Venezuelan DXers is an appeal to entitle "The
Shortwave Broadcasts" as Intangible Cultural Heritage matter. A
petition in that sense is on the way to UNESCO. DXers and SW
enthusiasts should send their Name and Full Name, Address (home), E-
mail, Job/occupation to
2011! This data will be used solely for this purpose, and presented
urgently the next week at UNESCO Caracas.
DXers working on this project are: Berny Solano Solano - Attorney and
Admininistrative Jury in San José Costa Rica, Humberto Arango - DXer
and Ham in Medellín Colombia, Jorge García Rangel - Economist and
Professor at the Universidad Santa María in Barinas, Venezuela.
Santiago San Gil González - Environmental Engineer, radio announcer in
Barinas, Venezuela. And active members of Club Diexistas de la Amistad
in Colombia and Venezuela. (Source:
via Horacio Nigro, Uruguay, adapted and translated, Jun 17, dxldyg via
If the idea is to force governments to continue shortwave services on
the grounds of "cultural heritage" then UNESCO is completely
misguided. This would be like forcing continued production of 78 RPM
records, or requiring the continued use of the wired telegraph because
they are "heritage" media. This is nostalgia completely out of
control. Technologies change. People's needs and media expectations
change. Things come and go. Should we require the broadcasting of
black and white TV? The continued use of Morse Code?
As I've said before, there is not an endless pile of money to finance
international shortwave services. Tough choices must be made, and
services limited to those audiences that actually need them, where
listenership is in sufficient numbers to justify the expense.
UNESCO should have far better things to spend its time on (Steve Luce,
Houston, Texas, ibid.)
Traduccion del inglés.
Si la idea es obligar a los gobiernos a continuar con los servicios de onda corta en
por motivos de "patrimonio cultural", entonces la UNESCO está completamente
equivocada. Esto sería como obligar a la producción continua de 78 RPM
registros, o que requieran el uso continuado de los cables del telégrafo, porque
que son "patrimonio" de los medios. Esta es la nostalgia por completo de
de control. Las tecnologías cambian. Las necesidades y expectativas de los medios de comunicación
el cambio. Las cosas van y vienen. En caso de que requieren la emisión de
negro y blanco de televisión? El uso continuado de código Morse?
Como he dicho antes, no hay una pila interminable de dinero para financiar
internacional de onda corta los servicios. Decisiones difíciles se debe hacer, y
servicios limitados al público que realmente los necesitan, donde
oyentes se encuentra en cantidades suficientes como para justificar el gasto.
La UNESCO debe tener las cosas mucho mejor que gastar su tiempo en (Steve Luce,
Houston, Texas, ibid.)
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