** ALBANIA. Radio Tirana, Shijak transmitter site, 9860 kHz, 0030 UT
July 21, 44434. Station ID an newscast by man in English at 0030.
"Press Review" - Talk about the May 8 local elections and European
Union at 0040. Music until end of program and interval signal at 0042.
Good signal, Bad modulation S-9.
Radio Tirana, Shijak transmitter site, 13735 kHz. 2000 UT July 23,
44334, Interval signal at 1959, followed by station ID and
transmission times and frequencies by woman in English at 2000. Talk
by woman about the Balkans at 2002. Albanian(?) March type song by
chorus at 2020. Good signal S-8.
Radio Tirana Shijak transmitter site 7245 [sic] kHz. 0345 July 24
45544 Woman with talk in English about the history of Albania at 0345.
Albanian National Anthem at 0350. Albanian music until 0357, then
station ID, interval signal and off the air at 0358. Good signal S-9
(Nick Rumple, Kannapolis, North Carolina, U.S.A., Yaesu FRG-100, 125
foot longwire - 40 feet high, shortwavelistening yg via DXLD)
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