Tips from Tuscany 4 & 6 MHzjueves, 21 de julio, 2011 11:20De: "Giampi58"
Giampiero Bernardini
RX: RFspace SDR-14; ant 30 m long wire
QTH: Pescia, Tuscany, Italy
4780 18/7 1912 RTV Djibouti, long talks like comment, then music,
very good
4828 19/7 2101 Voice of Zimbabwe, African music, id by woman at
2103, some talks in English, fair
4860 18/7 1910 AIR, Delhi, long slow oriental songs, it's reported
to be to Pakistan, fair
4930 18/7 1907 VOA, Botswana, reports in English, good
4965 19/7 2216 CVC, Christian voice, Zambia, religious talks,
English, good but in LSB to avoid utility QRM
4976 18/7 1904 UBC, Uganda, national and international reports in
English, good
5066.398v 18/7 1845-1903* Radio Candip, Congo Dem, nice slow music
and talks by woman in French, fair, low modulation while speaking.
Off at 1903
5990 19/7 2108 Radio Senado, Brazil, soft music and Brazilian
songs, fair
6080 19/7 2115 VOA, Sao Tome, in English, talks, good but in USB to
avoid QRM from Germany on 6075
7 & 9 MHz in Toscanajueves, 21 de julio, 2011 11:42De: "Giampi58"
RX: RFspace SDR-14; ant 30 m long wire
QTH: Pescia; Tuscany
7125 19/7 2119 Radio Conakry, Guinea, talks in French, fair, some QRM from hams
7245 19/7 2212 Radio Mauretanie, in Arabic, music then reports, good
7360 19/7 2124 Radio Belarus, in English, language lesson, web address, songs, fair //7390
7445 19/7 2128 CRI, in Italian, end of the Italian program, good
7450 19/7 2131 ERT3 Makedonias, Greece, talks in Greek and songs, very good
7495 19/7 2134 Radio Algerienne, via France, in Arabic, talks, good //9375 very good
7585 19/7 2137 Radio Farda, via Sri lanka, usual songs program, good
9235 18/7 1918 Galei Zahal, Israel, talks in Hebrew, //15850 fair/good
9310 19/7 1824 Deewa Radio, via Thailand to Afghanistan, reported in Pashtu. Reports. Good
9330 19/7 1827 Radio Damascus, Siria, Arabic songs, very strong signal 9+40 but low modulation
9395 19/7 1830 Radio Pilipinas, Philippines, in Tagalog, conversation man and woman, //15190 fair
9420 19/7 1834 Voice of Greece, usual nice Greek music program. QRM from IRIB Iran on co-channel (no good idea to use the Greek channel). Fair
9445 19/7 1837 All India Radio, in English, talks about Indian
culture, fair
9470 19/7 2141 AIR National Channel, India, slow Indian songs, fair
9500 19/7 2144 Radio Australia, Shepparton, in English, talks, fair
9515 19/7 1840 KBS World Radio, South Korea, Talks in Korean, good
9526 19/7 1820 Voice of Indonesia, Jakarta, in German, international reports, talks about Afghanistan, later about Sumatra, good.
9565.3 19/7 2147 Radio Deus è Amor, Brazil, religious talks, strong
QRM from Radio Martì, better in USB, poor
9575 19/7 1817 Radio Medì 1, Morocco, in Arabic, talks, good
9580 19/7 1815 Radio Africa 1, Gabon, in French, id "Radio Africa 1, la Radio Africaine" and reports, good signal, some QRM from Medì 1 9575, fair/good
9625 19/7 1842 Voice of Vietnam, via Austria, in French, reports especially about South East Asia, very good //9730 fair
9625 19/7 2151 Radio Canada North Quebec, Inuit Service, talks,
9645 19/7 1845 Vatican Radio, Holy Rosary, QRM CRI in French, fair
9665 19/7 2154 Radio PMR Pridnestrovye, Moldova, popular songs. Very good
9705 19/7 2158 La Voix du Sahel, Niger, nice folk music and songs,
9725 19/7 1849 RTT, Radio Tunis, Tunisia, talks in Arabic, good
9730 19/7 1844 Voice of Vietnam, Vietnam tx, in French, reports, fair //9625 via Austria
9745 19/7 1854 Radio Baharain, western songs non stop, talks in Arabic on the hour, fair but some QRM from a co-channel station in Chinese. Could be Voice of Hope?
9800 19/7 1903 Afia Darfur Radio, via Vatican Tx, reports in Arabic, mentioning many times Darfur. Fair/good
9990 18/7 1745 Radio Cairo, Egypt, Arabic songs, really distorted audio with S 9+30
10000 19/7 2205 Observatorio Nacional, Brazil, usual pips, time, ids, weak
Giampiero Bernardini
15 Mhz in Tuscanyviernes, 22 de julio, 2011 19:11De: "Giampi58"
RX: SDR-14, ANT: 30 meters long wire
15120 18/7 1810 Radio Nigeria, English program with reports and talks, very good signal, but usual modulation a bit low
15140 19/7 1907 Radio Sultanate of Oman, presumed, talks in Arabic, low modulation, poor/fair
15190 19/7 1831 Radio Pilipinas, Philippines, in Tagalog, conversation man and woman, //9395 poor/fair fading
15215 19/7 1911 Voice of Africa, Libya, in Hausa, mentioning every 5 seconds Africa and Gheddafi, the Horn of Africa music, very good
15235 19/7 1645 Channel Africa, South Africa, in French, sport reports, good
15245 19/7 1649 Voice of Korea, North Korea, reports in French, fair
15341.14 20/7 1340 SNRT Morocco, Arabic talks, songs, weak/fair fading
15344.16 19/7 1917 RAE, Argentina, in Italian, talks and songs, in LSB to avoid QRM Morocco. Fair
15345.18 18/7 1815 SNRT, Morocco, talks in Arabic, off channel as usual, good signal but some QRM from RAE carrier.
15445 18/7 1820 NHK Radio Japan, via Germany, slow songs, Japanese, good with some fading
15540 18/7 1825 Radio Kuwait, western songs, id, reports in English, very good
15580 18/7 1830 VOA, via Botswana, English, international reports, good
15690 18/7 1315 Radio Farda, via Sri Lanka, usual songs program with ids. good
15700 18/7 1320 Radio Bulgaria, talks and music, in Bulgarian, fair, fading
15630 18/7 1325 Voice of Greece, Greek songs and talks in Greek, excellent
15780 20/7 1143 Radio Sawa, in Arabic, usual program songs and short news, fair
15850 18/7 1833 Galei Zahal, Israel, nice songs, fair with fading
17 & 21 MHz: qualche ascoltoviernes, 22 de julio, 2011 19:21De: "Giampi58"
17507.3 20/7 1130 Radio Romania International, in English, culture & classical music, off frequency (nominal 17510), good //17670
17530 18/7 1346 Radio Sawa via Kuwait, fast news, in Arabic, good
17530 18/7 1836 VOA, Sao Tome, in French, report about Congo, fair
17545 19/7 1638 WYFR Family Radio, via Ascension, Bible talks in English, good
17575 19/7 1635 AWR, via Germany, slow talks, reported in Somali, fair
17670 18/7 1342 AWR, via Madagascar, talks in Asian language, reported to be Vietnamese, good
17695 20/7 1134 Radio Farda, via Sri Lanka, talks and music, ids, fair
17715 18/7 1838 REE, Spain, interesting interview about a community radio in Cochabamba area, in Spanish, good //17775
17745 19/7 1632 Sudan Radio Service, via Portugal, talks and music, mentioning often Sudan and Juba, in Arabic, good
17830 19/7 1627 BBC, via Ascension, talks about Africa and Nigeria, in English, fair
17840 19/7 1411, Radio Sawa, via Kuwait, songs, ids, reports in Arabic, very good
17850 19/7 1408 RFI, France, interview in French, very good
17895 19/7 1406 BSKSA, Saudi Arabia, Holy Kuran program, very good
21470 18/7 1333 BBC World Service, via Seychelles, reports, English, fair
21505 18/7 1329 BSKSA 1, Saudi Arabia, long phone talks, Arabic. Good
21540 18/7 1336 Radio Kuwait, long talks in Arabic with classical music on the back, Excellent
21610 19/7 1403 REE. Spain, News, sport, economics in Spanish, very good //21540
21780 18/7 1339 Deutsche Welle, via Rwanda, in Hausa, talks about Niger, very good
21840 19/7 1359 Deutsche Welle, Germany, in German, news. Good
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