martes, 30 de agosto de 2011
DX, DX Y MAS DX´s - Logs de captaciones de varios colegas diexistas del mundo.
Propagazione aperta sulle onde medie verso l’Africa domenica 14 agosto. Ecco qualche ascolto fatto a Bocca di Magra con il portatile Eton e1 e il loop LFL 1010 della Wellbrook.
kHz UTC radio details
594 2021 FRCN Kaduna, Nigeria, talks in Hausa mentioning Nigeria too, fair in LSB to avoid Morocco on 595
917 2015 Radio Gotel, Yola, Nigeria, talks in Vernacular, in LSB to avoid 918 kHz strong QRM, poor
1530 1738 VOA Sao Tome end of BC with id in English and at 1800. Good
1539 1805 RTV Djibouti, talks (news) then usual Horn of Africa music. Good
1566 2008 TWR Benin, afro songs, talks in French, fair
Other tips
1485 1820 Radio Broadcastitalia, Rome, Italy, Italian oldies, good for several minutes, some QRM from AFN
11725 2033 R New Zealand International, English, reports, good
15720 2200 R New Zealand International, English, news, fair
Buoni DX a tutti
Giampiero Bernardini
Milano, Italia
Dear DX-friends,
It is raining every day in Denmark this summer, so time for DX-ing. Here
is what I heard in Skovlunde on my AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of
3325.00 2025-2135 INS 10.08 RRI Palangkaraya Bahasa
Indonesia ann, Indonesian songs in early Ramadan programme, talk by more
persons, 2109 muslim chanting, 2118 talk 35333 AP-DNK
3345.00 2040-2110 fade out INS 10.08 RRI Ternate Bahasa
Indonesia talk, 2100 Song of the Coconut Islands IS, Jakarta news (?),
music 25222 AP-DNK
4409.82 2300-2310 BOL 12.08 R Eco, Reyes Spanish talk
4828.00 2310-2320 ZWE 12.08 Voice of Zimbabwe, Guineafowl
(p) Vernacular talk 25222 AP-DNK
6134.80 2325-2335 BOL 12.08 R Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz de la
Sierra Spanish ID: "Radio Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz de la Sierra en
Bolivia", conversation, another ID and romantic songs 34333
heterodyne AP-DNK
6140 0945-1000* D Su 07.08 MV Baltic R, Wertachtal
English ann, ID, address and website, English songs 55544. 9480
was not audible in Denmark, maybe because of being in its dead zone
6160 2330-2340 CAN 12.08 CKZN, St. John's, New Foundland
English debate by several men about U.S. Economy 35333 AP-DNK
Best 73,
Causa assenza di sonno, sono riuscito a monitorare un pò di LatinoAmerica; a dir la verità speravo in 6135 Santa Cruz, ma la banda dei 49 metri era piuttosto rumorosa, e della Bolivia non c'era traccia.
kHz UTC ITU Program + Location Details Remarks km
6090 0015 B Rádio Bandeirantes, São Paulo/Jardim Santa Emilia (SP) talk in PP, very weak, discussion between two announcers, //9645, Caribbean Beacon off air
11765 0030 B Super Rádio Deus é Amor, Curitiba/Corpo de Bombeiros (PR) usual preacher, //9565, fair/good
11775 0034 USA Radio Martí, Greenville (NC) tlk in SS about Cuba, protest against Cuban government good
11780 0038 B Rádio N"acional da Amazônia, Brasília/Rodeador (DF) conversation between announcers (male and female), // livestream, weak
11815 0041 B Rádio Brasil Central, Goiânia/Fazenda Bananal (GO) nice music, female announcer, jingle, very good
11710 0045 ARG R.Argentina al Exterior, Buenos Aires/General Pacheco (df) song in SS, //, very good
10000 0051 B PPE Observatório Nacional, Rio de Janeiro/São Cristóvão (RJ) time pips observatorio nacional, good
10000 0052 USA WWV, Fort Collins (CO) time pips, male voice mixed with Brasil, fair/good
Rx: Kenwood R-5000 + ala1530s+
Leonardo Bolli
Here a Sunday log made in Milan City
4880 28/8 1838 SW Radio Africa, South Africa, talks in English, songs, fair
4900 28/8 1906 Italian pirates QSO in AM, good
4930 28/8 1859 VOA, via Botswana, Id and News in English, fair //4940
4940 28/8 1905 VOA, via Sao Tome, id and "English teaching", good //4930
4976 28/8 1910 UBC, Kampala, Uganda, talks, in English, fair
5446.5 28/8 2327 AFRTS feeder, Saddlebunch, Keys, Florida, USA, USB, talks program, weak
5939.8 28/8 2318 Vox Missionaria, Camboriù, Brazil, usual religious talks, fair
5952.4 28/8 2311 Radio Pio XII, Bolivia, popular songs, fair (No trace of Elcor, Costa Rica)
6005 28/8 1915 Radio 700, Germany, nice songs, good rock, some in German, few ids, good
6055 28/8 2004 Radio Rwanda, talks in Vernacular, fair, clear channel till 2028 when stopped by Voice of Iran in Spanish
6100 28/8 2030 International Radio Serbia, start of the French program, news, good but with CRI in Arabic underneath
6134.8 28/8 2337 Radio Santa Cruz, Bolivia, football live, fair
6165 28/8 2035 RD Tchadienne, Chad, talks, African politics, French, good
7125 28/8 2040 Radio Conakry, Guinea, some talks and songs, in French, fair but Ham QRM
7200 28/8 2045 Sudan RTVC, in Arabic, talks OM & YL, some Arabic songs, weak, better in LSB
7255 28/8 2049 Radio Belarus, English program, talks about culture, good, some QRM from China. End of the English BC with schedules, web & mail address,at 2053
9235 28/8 2056 Galei Zahal, Israel, talks, songs, ids, news, fair, fading
9645.3 28/8 2304 Radio Bandeirantes, Brazil, talks mentioning Sao Paulo many times, weak
9720 28/8 2300 Radio Veritas, Manila, Philippines, start of program in Tagalog, fair/good
9745 28/8 2248 Radio Bahrain, Arabic, songs, weak, stopped at 2257 by Radio Romania Int. starting in Spanish
10051 28/8 2243 New York Radio, USA, airports info, USB, fair
11665 28/8 2234 RTM Wai FM, Malaysia, songs, phone talks, ids, weak to fair, fading, "clean" channel
11695 28/8 2230 Radio Australia, in Indonesian, ids and talks, good
11725 28/8 2101 Radio New Zealand Int., international news, English, fair
11765 28/8 2220 Super Radio Deus è Amor, Brazil, usual great Pentecostal sermons, good
11815 28/8 2104 Radio Brasil Central, Brazil, nice Brazilian romantic songs, some ids, good Low AMs better
15190 28/8 2109 Radio Inconfidencia, Brazil, footbal live, good!
15344.2 28/8 2157 Radio Nacional, Argentina, Spanish, talks, Id, reports, la temperatura en Buenos Aires, good in LSB to avoid Morocco till around 2203 when Morocco closes
15720 28/8 2210 Radio New Zealand Int. Reports in English, fair, fading
RX: RFSpace SDR-14 with SDR-Radio Software - ANT: T2FD 15 m long
QTH: Milan city, Italy
SW blog:
Giampiero Bernardini
Qualche ascolto nella caldissima Milano...
Perseus & T2FD antenna 15 m long
QTH Milano, Italia
1368 21/8 0216 Radio Challenger, Italy, Italian oldies, fair/good
1602 21/8 0208 Radio Orient, Nimes, France Holy Kuran, //1350 good for few minutes
4810 21/8 0039 AIR Bhopal, India, Indian songs, fair
4915 21/8 0034 Radio Daqui, Brazil, religious songs and talks, fair/good (Daqui and Marumby
on 6079.95 have very alike program...)
5040 21/8 0044 Radio Habana, Cuba, nice Cuban songs, good
5910 21/8 0109 Alcaravan Radio, Colombia, nice songs, ids, fair
5921.281 21/8 presumed Radio Bethel, Arequipa, Peru, talks in Spanish, slow religious music,
clear channel, weak - Frequency slowly drifting. At 0130 was 5921.273; at 0137 was 5921.283
6075.731 21/8 0047 Unid, South American sound. It could be RT Kawschun Coca, Bolivia, but the signas was poor
6079.95 21/8 0030 Radio Marumby, Brazil, religious talks and music, fair
6102 21/8 1620-1629* Radio Afghanistan, music, final talk pres Urdu, at 1629 weak to
6134.82 21/8 0056-0107* Radio Santa Cruz, Bolivia, news ("Informacion local, nacional and
internacional"), at 0102 great ids, the usual song of Radio Santa Cruz. Off at 0107 good !
6185 21/8 0152 Radio Educacion, Mexico, Culture talks, Spanish, weak, better in LSB
SW blog:
Giampiero Bernardini
Milano, Italia
qualche ascolto estivo effettuato nel ridente paesello di San Marco la
Catola con un team improbabile di ricevitori diversi: un vecchio
Hammarlund SP600, un RTX Icom IC-707 e una portatilissima Tecsun PL660.
Anguilla, 6090, Carribean Beacon, 2339, 18/08, English, female preacher,
strong QRM from China, fair (SIO 333).
Argentina, 6060, RAE, 2329, 18/08, Spanish, female speaker reading news
about Argentina, ID at 2330 "Esta es RAE", better in USB, fair (SIO 333)
Argentina, 15345, RAE, 2212, 31/7, Spanish, phone calls from the
listeners, good (SIO 444)
Australia, 15160, r. Australia, 0615, 09/08, English, live sport,
parallel with 15415, good (SIO 454)
Brasil, 4985, R. Brasil Central, Goiania, 2307, 18/08, Portughese, talk
by a male speaker, poor (SIO 243)
Brasil, 4845.2, R. Cultura Ondas Tropicais, 2315, 18/08, Portughese,
female and male speakers talking, fair. (SIO 333)
Brasil, 6080, R. Marumby (tent.), 2336, 18/08, Portughese, female
speaker talking, no positive ID, poor. (SIO 232)
Brasil, 11765, R. Deus è Amor, 2242, 17/08, Portughese, talk, poor (SIO
Brasil, 11780, R.N.Amazonia, 2240, 17/08, Portughese, talk on current
affairs, poor (SIO 254)
China, 4750, CNR 1, 2040, 09/08, Chinese, talk in parallel with 4800,
fair (SIO 333)
China, 4905, PBS Lhasa, 2107, 11/08, Tibetan, music, talk in parallel
with 4920, good (SIO 444)
India, 4950, R. Kashmir, 2256, 17/08, Vernacular, Indian music, ID,
should be off at this time, good (SIO 444)
Korea, 3480, Voice of The People, 2035, 09/08, Korean, man and woman
talking, good (SIO 444)
Malaysia, 7295, RTM Kuala Lumpur, 2344, 18/08, English, pop music top
ten, fair to good (SIO 343)
Mali, 5995, R. Mali, Bamako, 2326, 18/08, French, female speaker talking
about current affairs, fair (SIO 333)
Mariana Isl., 11955, VOA, Tinian Relay, 2235, 17/08, English,
International news (mainly on Africa), ID, very good (SIO 554)
Myanmar, 5985, R. Myanmar, Naypyidaw, 2324, 18/08, Vernacular, talk by a
male speaker, good (SIO 444)
Zambia, 4965, CVC International, Lusaka, 2110, 11/08, English, pop
music, talk, ID, only in LSB, fair (SIO 433)
Zimbabwe, 4828, V.o.Zimbabwe, Gweru, 1925, 18/08, Vernacular, African
music, better in USB because of a UTE interference, fair (SIO 433)
73, Michele
RX: Hammarlund SP600, PL660, IC707. Antenna: 15 metres of wire.
3975, Unid., August, 28 0020-0028 recitation of Koran alternating male in short Arabic announcements. Statics, 35433 (lob-B).
5010, India, AIR Thiruvananthapuram, Chennai. August, 28 0032-0038 male and female in Hindu talks. Statics, 25432 (lob-B).
7245, R.Mauritanie, Nouakchott. August, 28 0525-0551 Koran recitation. Statics, 34533 (lob-B).
13630, R. Australia, Shepparton. August, 28 0608-0618 English narration by male, seems about football soccer game, audience reactions behind. // 15160, 15290, fair to good, some fading, 35533 (lob-B).
15160, R. Australia, Shepparton. August, 28 0618-0624 sports event coverage by male in English narration. Poor, 24522 (lob-B).
15290, Taiwan , R. Australia, Tainan . August, 28 0624-0630 sports event coverage by male in English narration “kick off; forty five minutes; football”. Sign off at 0630, good, 35543 (lob-B).
Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec
Embu SP Brasil
SW40 - Dipoles and Longwire
11945, Nigeria via Germany, Hamada Radio Int. August, 22 1932-1940 male in Hausa talks, ¨Hausa...R. Hamada Int., Nigeria¨, short bridge music to another male voice, male outside. 45333, (lob-B).
9580, Gabon, R. Africa No.1, Moyabi. August, 24 0904-0916 male and female in French talks, ¨commission... agriculture¨, male and female on music sounding like ads, Pop music, Pop Ballad. 33333, (lob-B).
9580, R. Australia, Shepparton. August, 24 1011-1018 male in English talks, outside female ¨Australia¨, canned male ¨R. Australia, ABC news right now!¨, female on instrumental music. 35443, (lob-B).
9710, Australia, Shepparton. August, 24 1018-1026 English Pop music, female in Tok Pisin talks ¨Australia¨, female by phone in talks with studio. 35443, (lob-B).
11945, R. Australia, Shepparton. August, 24 1027-1035 two male in English conversation, outside male, studio female. 33533, (lob-B).
Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec
Embu SP Brasil
SW40 - Dipoles and Longwire
RX: Drake R8 & Kenwood R5000
QTH: Milano, Italia
5990 25/8 2148-2200* Radio Senado, Brazil, long talk in Portuguese about law
and order, id at 2159 and end of BC, good
6165 25/8 2201 RD Nationale Tchadienne, Chad, reports in French, good
6299.8 25/8 2207 Radio Marconi, Pirate, pop songs non stop, good slowly
drifting at 2325 6299,6
6325 25/8 2223 De Wittereus, Pirate, music, drifting downwards, at 2230 was
6421.6 25/8 2240-2305* Unid Pirate (Black Bandit?), Pirate, country & folk
songs, also in Russian, some mixer problems, good
Giampiero Bernardini
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