IV-EDXCV-2014: Comenzó la cuenta regresiva...!!!

IV-EDXCV-2014: Comenzó la cuenta regresiva...!!!
Diseño del Afiche: Yimber Gaviria, Cali, Colombia.

jueves, 25 de agosto de 2011

ITALIA: Captaciones DX de Mauro.

CC: "ivan guerini" , francec58@alice.it
Date utc khz
16/08/2011 2122 9730 V of Vietnam VTN Son Tay-px nx in F -Buono
16/08/2011 2115 17680 CVC La Voz CHL px nx sportivo -Buono
16/08/2011 2111 11815 R Brasil Central -Goiania B px locale + id- Buono
16/08/2011 2106 12133,5 AFRTS-Saddlebunch Keys FL USA relay // 13362 khz USB -Suff
16/08/2011 2104 20000 WWV Fort Collins USA time signal bip...bip...bip.....-Suff
16/08/2011 2100 13362 AFRTS-Barrigada GUM relay USB -Suff
16/08/2011 2055 9515 R Marumby Curitiba B px mx locale -Suff
16/08/2011 2043 9819,9 R Nove de Julho B Sao Paulo - px locale-Suff
16/08/2011 2039 7125 R.Guineè-Conakry GUI px mx in F e locale-Suff
13/08/2011 0004 189 RUV Ràs 2 ISL Gufuskàlar-px locale -Suff
10/08/2011 1812 5066,3 R Télé Candip Bunia COD px locale bassa modulazione -Suff
Ciao and good DX! 73!



- Mauro -
-Swl 1510-
-JRC525Nrd - Lowe HF150-
Filter PAR Electronics – BCST-LPF + BCST-HPF- DSP 9
-Eavesdropper SWL Sloper 11mt to 120mt Band- Loop LFL1010
-Lat. 45°25'0"N Long. 9°7'0"E -Locator grid. Jn 45 Nk-

Hola ...
finalmente un pò di radio....
Date utc khz
30/07/2011 2147 4835 VL8A Alice Springs,NT AUS Relay ABC SUFF
30/07/2011 2158 4845,2 R Culturas Ondas Tropicas B Manaus - px locale mx SUFF
30/07/2011 2117 4885 R Clube do Parà Belem B px locale mx SUFF
30/07/2011 2148 4910 VL8T Tennant CreeK,NT AUS Relay ABC SUFF
30/07/2011 2148 5025 VL8K Katherine ,NT AUS Relay ABC SUFF
30/07/2011 2128 5940 R Missionaria B Camboriù -px mx SUFF
30/07/2011 1815 7125 R.Guineè-Conakry GUI px local SUFF
30/07/2011 1718 7175 Voice of Broad Masses ERI Asmara -px mix HAM SUFF
30/07/2011 1721 7295 Traxx FM Kuala Lampur MLA px mx +ID Buono
30/07/2011 1854 9745 R Bahrain Ras Hayan BHR px mx locale SUFF
30/07/2011 2139 10000 PPE DSHO-Rio de Janeiro B bip bip + ID+Time Buono
30/07/2011 2134 11765 Super R Deus e Amor B Curitiba-px locale SUFF
30/07/2011 2141 11780 R Nacional Amazonia B Brasilia-px talk SUFF
30/07/2011 2123 13362 AFRTS-Barrigada GUM relay SUFF
30/07/2011 1713 15190 R.Incofidencia B Belo Horizonte +ID px mx SUFF
30/07/2011 1829 15190 Radio Pilipinas PHL px locale + ID "Radio Pilipinas........ Buono
30/07/2011 1834 15344,25 RAE -Buenos Aires ARG px mx in S Buono
30/07/2011 1710 26000 R.Maria Andrate I relay FM SUFF
30/07/2011 1740 27000 UNID I ? TX vicino a MILANO ?mx rlg no CB in FM !Buono
30/07/2011 1738 27890 UNID IRL/UK? messa in inglese in FM Buono
30/07/2011 1730 27930 UNID IRL/UK? Messa in Inglese in FM Buono

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ciao e 73 BUONE VACANZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



- Mauro -
-Swl 1510-
-JRC525Nrd - Lowe HF150-
Filter PAR Electronics – BCST-LPF + BCST-HPF- DSP 9
-Eavesdropper SWL Sloper 11mt to 120mt Band- Loop LFL1010
-Lat. 45°25'0"N Long. 9°7'0"E -Locator grid. Jn 45 Nk-


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