tips (quasi) recenti
miércoles, 19 de octubre, 2011 06:27
"Paolo Serena"
Añadir remitente a Contactos
Mi scuso per il ritardo con cui pubblico alcuni ascolti.
1510 15/10/2011 03:10-05:35 WWZN Boston, USA, political talk with dialogues, some jingles, id "Revolution Boston WWZN" ascoltata a 1509,80 in am sincr. con interferenze di IRIB su 1512 e poi dalle 05:00 circa da una emittente che trasmetteva canzoncine della tradizione tedesca? ins/suff
4055 13/10/2011 04:22-06:05* R. Verdad, Chiquimula, Guatemala, only in Lsb for ute interference, religius talk also in local idiom, nice coral songs and music, id R. Verdad, soff and himno nacional in the phading evanecence of morning, ins/suff
4885 15/10/2011 01:15- R. Clube do Parà, Belem, Brazil, brasilian songs and talk, suff
4910 15/10/2011 01:20 AIR Jaipur, talk, suff/buono
4920 15/10/2011 01:25 AIR Chennai, news, suff/buono
4950 15/10/2011 01:27 AIR R. Kashmir Srinagar, songs and talks, suff/buono
4965 15/10/2011 01:30 AIR Shimla, news, suff
4985 12/10/2011 05:40-06:05 R. Brasil Central, Goiana, Brazil, nice brasilian songs, suff
6134,8L 15/10/2011 01:35-02:05* R, S.ta Cruz, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, local songs and talk, Id, ins/suff
7175 15/10/2011 02:55*- Voice of the Broad Masses, Asmara, Eritrea, s-on Id in // 7205 news e talks. Dalle 03:00 i due canali si differenziano con 7175 in Arabo (Afshar) mentre il 7205 in Tigrai language. Buono
7200 14/10/2011 03:48 RTVC Sudan, Khartoum, talk AA, good
7210L 14/10/2011 03:45 R. Fana Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, talk and tipical songs, strong qrm on the channel, ins/suff
7850 15/10/2011 02:50 CHU Ottawa, Canada, pips and Id, buono
11780 16/10/2011 04:15 R. Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, Brazil, songs, suff
11815 16/10/2011 04:20 R.Brazil Central, Goiana, Brazil, songs //4985, buono
11925 16/10/2011 04:25 R. Bandeirantes, Sao Paolo, Brazil, pop songs // 9645 , suff
11945 16/10/2011 04:32 R. Australia, Shepparton, program about South Africa, with SA music, suff
13362U 15/10/2011 06:50 AFRTS Barrigada, Guam, talks, ins/suff
Paolo Serena
rx: Drake R8B, ant: Wellbrook loop 1530S+, qth: Mestre
3945, Japan, R. Nikkei 2, Chiba-Nagara. October, 15 0828-0838 English ballad selections, but by the accent, seems by a Japanese female singer. No signal of R. Vanuatu underneath, 34433 (lob-B).
7260, R. Vanuatu, Port Vila. October, 16 0805-0823 male and female in English talks “is really close to you?”, Island music, Pop music. 34433, (lob-B).
Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec
Embu SP Brasil (23°39’S-46°53’W)
SW40 - Dipoles and Longwire
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