IV-EDXCV-2014: Comenzó la cuenta regresiva...!!!

IV-EDXCV-2014: Comenzó la cuenta regresiva...!!!
Diseño del Afiche: Yimber Gaviria, Cali, Colombia.

jueves, 16 de febrero de 2012


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Info via Tom Taylor, Gran Bretaña
MV Baltic Radio Information for 2012

MV Baltic Radio:  
Will start broadcasts again in the 49m Band via Media Broadcast during the summertime of 2012.
The first transmission will be on the first Sunday of April 2012, the Power will be 100KW.
Radio Gloria International ( Germany )  
Will start transmissions via Media broadcast on the 25th of March 2012.
European Music Radio:  
Will transmit via Göhren ( 9480 ) and possible Transmissions in the 49m Band via Media Broadcast during 2012.

All Stations via Göhren 9480 kHz
The transmitter via Göhren ( 9480 ) is used for long distance broadcasts and transmissions on other frequencies.
This Service will continue as normal via the Transmitter of MV Baltic Radio with the power of 1KW.

More Information will be added in the near future!

MV Baltic Radio and all stations via 9480 wish you good listening.     73s Tom

Info via Tom Taylor, Gran Bretaña
MV Baltic Radio Information for 2012

MV Baltic Radio:  
Will start broadcasts again in the 49m Band via Media Broadcast during the summertime of 2012.
The first transmission will be on the first Sunday of April 2012, the Power will be 100KW.
Radio Gloria International ( Germany )  
Will start transmissions via Media broadcast on the 25th of March 2012.
European Music Radio:  
Will transmit via Göhren ( 9480 ) and possible Transmissions in the 49m Band via Media Broadcast during 2012.

All Stations via Göhren 9480 kHz
The transmitter via Göhren ( 9480 ) is used for long distance broadcasts and transmissions on other frequencies.
This Service will continue as normal via the Transmitter of MV Baltic Radio with the power of 1KW.

More Information will be added in the near future!

MV Baltic Radio and all stations via 9480 wish you good listening.     73s Tom

Info via Tom Taylor, Gran Bretaña
MV Baltic Radio Information for 2012

MV Baltic Radio:  
Will start broadcasts again in the 49m Band via Media Broadcast during the summertime of 2012.
The first transmission will be on the first Sunday of April 2012, the Power will be 100KW.
Radio Gloria International ( Germany )  
Will start transmissions via Media broadcast on the 25th of March 2012.
European Music Radio:  
Will transmit via Göhren ( 9480 ) and possible Transmissions in the 49m Band via Media Broadcast during 2012.

All Stations via Göhren 9480 kHz
The transmitter via Göhren ( 9480 ) is used for long distance broadcasts and transmissions on other frequencies.
This Service will continue as normal via the Transmitter of MV Baltic Radio with the power of 1KW.

More Information will be added in the near future!

MV Baltic Radio and all stations via 9480 wish you good listening.     73s Tom

[playdx2003] Tips "Girolla"

domingo, 12 de febrero, 2012 10:44
playdx2003@yahoogroups.com, bclnews@yahoogroups.com, epaulero@yahoo.com.ar
 Date           utc       khz
12/02/2012 1017      9610     TWR     Studio DX                    AM          D   444   px DX in I                                       Mauro
11/02/2012 1727      5066,3           R Télé Candip Bunia          AM          COD 122   px local low modulation fair                     Mauro
11/02/2012 1715      7175             Voice of Broad  Masses       AM          ERI 444   Asmara- px local good signal                     Mauro
11/02/2012 1641      5765             AFRTS-Barrigada              USB         GUM 333   Feeder relay noise station GW ID!!!!!            Mauro
11/02/2012 1631      4830             VOA -Moepeng Hill            AM          BOT 333   px info in E                                     Mauro
11/02/2012 1620      4895             AIR Kolkata-Kurseong         AM          IND 333   px mx loc no // other                            Mauro
11/02/2012 1615      4900,24          PIRATE HAM                   AM          I   444   talk ITA                                         Mauro
11/02/2012 0612      252              RTE Radio                    AM          IRL 444   px  music loc good!!                             Mauro
11/02/2012 0603      1510     WWZN    Boston                       AM          USA 222   px in E fair                                     Mauro
11/02/2012 0556      9625,04  CBC     Nord Quebec Vancouver        AM          CAN 233   pop music px  in E +ID                           Mauro
09/02/2012 0535      1566             County Sound R               AM          G   333   Guilford -px mx  mix BBC Somerset                Mauro
09/02/2012 0530      5025             R Rebelde Bauta              AM          CUB 444   px locale "Pausa Informativo" + ID               Mauro
07/02/2012 0520      4054,6           R Verdad -Chiquimula         AM          GTM 233   px mx rel in E Noise from UTE stanag station     Mauro
06/02/2012 2208      1550             RADIO NACIONAL  DE LA RASD   AM          ALG 333   Rabouni-px  in A  better USB splatter1548khz     Mauro
06/02/2012 2133      5025     VL8K    Katherine ,NT                AM          AUS 333   relay ABC news in E //4835//4910khz              Mauro
06/02/2012 2058      5060             Xinjiang PBS-Urumqi          AM          CHN 233   px in Eng/Cinese //5960khz                       Mauro
06/02/2012 2049      6055             R Rwanda -Kigali             AM          RRW 333   px mx in F many spaltter from other station      Mauro
06/02/2012 2044      17680            CVC La Voz                   AM          CHL 333   px mx loc "Mundo Cristiano" +ID                  Mauro
06/02/2012 2039      9665,1           R Missionaria -Florianopolis AM          B   233   px loc in P -Noise other station better LSB      Mauro
06/02/2012 2025      9645,4           R Bandeirantes               AM          B   333   Sao Paulo-px locale in P+ID//11925               Mauro
06/02/2012 0520      189              RUV Ràs2 Gufuskalar          AM          ISL 233   px mx fair                                       Mauro
Ciaoe buoni ascolti! 73 :-)


[playdx2003] Re: DX Loggings - Ralph Perry - 12 Feb

lunes, 13 de febrero, 2012 12:04
"Ralph Perry" , "Anker Petersen" , "Cumbre DX" , "DX Clube Pernambuco" , "dxld" ...más
Correcting a 2/6 (other dates okay) local t/ck transcription error in previous log, pls replace . . . Peru still GMT-5, hi:

PERU - 6059.99,  Aroma Cafe Radio,  heard on 6,7 and 8 Feb.  Typically the buzzsaw-sound open carrier noted before the hour, prior to a variable nominal *1100.  Noted already in progress at 1108 on 2/6 with folklorica program, plenty of rustic huayno music with arpas, sicu-sicu, quenas, guitar.  Ads by YL in SS with piano mx underneath at 1110.  1123 ". . . las 6 de la manana y 23 minutos . . " then into more huaynos w/ arpa and bass guitar.  1124.44 CRI open carrier blotted out most of fqy, but could still hear a little bit of the OA underneath.  On 2/7 was an *1101 s/on, noting OM ancr and then NA and then again following pattern and going into morning Andes sunrise pgm.  Best on 2/8, big buzzsaw o/c at 1055 tune-in, nothing noted thru 1104 when briefly tuned away.  At 1109 retune, OA NA already in progress. 1110 YL with nice clear "Transmite Aroma Cafe Radio . . ."  with chimes or piano notes, and then straight into same morning folkloric programming.  At 1115, nice t/ck by locutora as "La 6 de la manana y 15 con Aroma Cafe Radio . . ."  and again at 1120.  Seems consistently a female announcer of late and a folkloric music pgm, different from the fare being reported not too long ago, which was I think was reported as a relay of their FM signal.  (Perry, Illinois)

Ralph Perry, Wheaton, Illinois
Drake R8B;  Japan Radio NRD-545;  Eton E1;  Hallicrafters SX100;  Knightkit Star Roamer
Dentron Super Tuner + Ameco PLF-2 + Palomar P-408 + customized (tropical bands) Quantum Phaser antenna unit
Longwires (150' + 100'); Tuned Multi-Turn 20" Small Loop;  Single-Turn Coax Loop.

[playdx2003] Altri ascolti

viernes, 10 de febrero, 2012 19:12
Añadir remitente a Contactos
Qualche ascolto milanese per passare il tempo
7290 8/2 1925 Radio PMR, Pridnestrovye, Moldova, slow songs, at 1930 id in German and news, fair
7540 8/2 1910 Denge Mezopotamya, Clandestine, via Ukraine, Kurdish, long talks and some music,good
7560 8/2 1933 Radio Ashna, via Kuwait, in Dari to Afghanistan, reports, fair
7580 8/2 1920 Radio Farda, via Sri Lanka, Farsi, usual program: songs, good
9526 8/2 1945 Voice of Indonesia, English, reports, id 1948, songs, fair
9535 8/2 2000 Radio Thailand, start Bc in German, news, fair
9580 8/2 1951 Africa 1, Gabon, in French, sport talks, Afrosongs, good
15200 5/2 1030 KTWR, Trans World Radio, Guam, start program, weak/fair
15235 5/2 1015 All India Radio, Bengaluru, slow Indian songs, weak
15850 5/2 0950 Galei Zahal, Israel, talks, id, news on the hour, fair

17860 5/2 1036 Voice of Croatia, via Kranji, Singapore, talks, weak //7370
RX: RFSpace SDR-14 - ANT: T2FD 15 m long - QTH: Milano


[playdx2003] Re: DX Loggings - Ralph Perry - 12 Feb

domingo, 12 de febrero, 2012 23:45
"Ralph Perry" , "Anker Petersen" , "Cumbre DX" , "DX Clube Pernambuco" , "dxld" ...más

Repeating to correct:  fqy omitted in prior report, by mistake:

LAOS - 6130 kHz, Lao National Radio, Vientiane, nice signal 1255 tune in on 2/11, EZL local Lao vocals with full instrumental accompaniment, local melodies.  1258 into Lao pop vocal, OM with small combo, straight out of a rural S E Asian night club, hi.  Music ran thru the ToH, then at 1301 a burst of a pounding, disco-type electronic beat f/by OM with lengthy anmts in Lao.  Perhaps a news summary.  1305 music resumed with more Western-sounding guitar ballads, love songs by OM, but rendered in Lao.  At same time/date, 7110 Myanma Radio also really pounding in.  These two make for some wonderful morning listening, take advantage while they are available!   (Perry, Illinois)

Ralph Perry, Wheaton, Illinois
Drake R8B;  Japan Radio NRD-545;  Eton E1;  Hallicrafters SX100;  Knightkit Star Roamer
Dentron Super Tuner + Ameco PLF-2 + Palomar P-408 + customized (tropical bands) Quantum Phaser antenna unit
Longwires (150' + 100'); Tuned Multi-Turn 20" Small Loop;  Single-Turn Coax Loop.

[playdx2003] DX Loggings - Ralph Perry - 12 Feb

domingo, 12 de febrero, 2012 20:10
"Anker Petersen" , "Cumbre DX" , "DX Clube Pernambuco" , "dxld" , "DXplorer" ...más

PERU - 6059.99,  Aroma Cafe Radio,  heard on 6,7 and 8 Feb.  Typically the buzzsaw-sound open carrier noted before the hour, prior to a variable nominal *1100.  Noted already in progress at 1108 on 2/6 with folklorica program, plenty of rustic huayno music with arpas, sicu-sicu, quenas, guitar.  Ads by YL in SS with piano mx underneath at 1110.  1123 ". . . las cinco de la manana y 23 minutos . . " then into more huaynos w/ arpa and bass guitar.  1124.44 CRI open carrier blotted out most of fqy, but could still hear a little bit of the OA underneath.  On 2/7 was an *1101 s/on, noting OM ancr and then NA and then again following pattern and going into morning Andes sunrise pgm.  Best on 2/8, big buzzsaw o/c at 1055 tune-in, nothing noted thru 1104 when briefly tuned away.  At 1109 retune, OA NA already in progress. 1110 YL with nice clear "Transmite Aroma Cafe Radio . . ."  with chimes or piano notes, and then straight into same morning folkloric programming.  At 1115, nice t/ck by locutora as "La 6 de la manana y 15 con Aroma Cafe Radio . . ."  and again at 1120.  Seems consistently a female announcer of late and a folkloric music pgm, different from the fare being reported not too long ago, which was I think was reported as a relay of their FM signal.  (Perry, Illinois)

PERU - 4955, Radio Cultural Amauta, Huanta, best signal on 60 meters this morning of 2/10 at 1035 with rustic huayno selection featuring simple guitar plucking and YL singer.  Segued into another plucked guitar huayno but with a small chorus of women. Rechecked at 1054 and still in folklorica program.   This was a pretty good morning for the Andes, also noting 5039 Junin, 4775 Tarma blowing in. (Perry, Illinois)

HONDURAS - 3250 HRPC, Radio Luz Y Vida, San Luis, hymn-like music fading up at 1130 f/by OM ancr in SS at 1131 (may have been opening anmts this date, not sure).  Very weak modulation but decent carrier strength.  1133 into religious music and OM giving inspirational talk, seemed a mix of religion and patriotism, equally as many references to "El Senor" as to "nuestra patria".  Pattern was OM spoke, then paused as music cranked up, and then down, when he started speaking again.  Rinse and repeat, hi!  Modulation improved a bit as xmtr warmed up, but was fighting a losing battle with my local sunrise and the rising D-layer absorption.  Almost gone by 1140.  (Perry, Illinois)

LAOS - Lao National Radio, Vientiane, nice signal 1255 tune in on 2/11, EZL local Lao vocals with full instrumental accompaniment, local melodies.  1258 into Lao pop vocal, OM with small combo, straight out of a rural S E Asian night club, hi.  Music ran thru the ToH, then at 1301 a burst of a pounding, disco-type electronic beat f/by OM with lengthy anmts in Lao.  Perhaps a news summary.  1305 music resumed with more Western-sounding guitar ballads, love songs by OM, but rendered in Lao.  At same time/date, 7110 Myanma Radio also really pounding in.  These two make for some wonderful morning listening, take advantage while they are available!   (Perry, Illinois)

Ralph Perry, Wheaton, Illinois
Drake R8B;  Japan Radio NRD-545;  Eton E1;  Hallicrafters SX100;  Knightkit Star Roamer
Dentron Super Tuner + Ameco PLF-2 + Palomar P-408 + customized (tropical bands) Quantum Phaser antenna unit
Longwires (150' + 100'); Tuned Multi-Turn 20" Small Loop;  Single-Turn Coax Loop.

[playdx2003] DX Loggings - Ralph Perry - 12 Feb

domingo, 12 de febrero, 2012 20:10
"Anker Petersen" , "Cumbre DX" , "DX Clube Pernambuco" , "dxld" , "DXplorer" ...más

PERU - 6059.99,  Aroma Cafe Radio,  heard on 6,7 and 8 Feb.  Typically the buzzsaw-sound open carrier noted before the hour, prior to a variable nominal *1100.  Noted already in progress at 1108 on 2/6 with folklorica program, plenty of rustic huayno music with arpas, sicu-sicu, quenas, guitar.  Ads by YL in SS with piano mx underneath at 1110.  1123 ". . . las cinco de la manana y 23 minutos . . " then into more huaynos w/ arpa and bass guitar.  1124.44 CRI open carrier blotted out most of fqy, but could still hear a little bit of the OA underneath.  On 2/7 was an *1101 s/on, noting OM ancr and then NA and then again following pattern and going into morning Andes sunrise pgm.  Best on 2/8, big buzzsaw o/c at 1055 tune-in, nothing noted thru 1104 when briefly tuned away.  At 1109 retune, OA NA already in progress. 1110 YL with nice clear "Transmite Aroma Cafe Radio . . ."  with chimes or piano notes, and then straight into same morning folkloric programming.  At 1115, nice t/ck by locutora as "La 6 de la manana y 15 con Aroma Cafe Radio . . ."  and again at 1120.  Seems consistently a female announcer of late and a folkloric music pgm, different from the fare being reported not too long ago, which was I think was reported as a relay of their FM signal.  (Perry, Illinois)

PERU - 4955, Radio Cultural Amauta, Huanta, best signal on 60 meters this morning of 2/10 at 1035 with rustic huayno selection featuring simple guitar plucking and YL singer.  Segued into another plucked guitar huayno but with a small chorus of women. Rechecked at 1054 and still in folklorica program.   This was a pretty good morning for the Andes, also noting 5039 Junin, 4775 Tarma blowing in. (Perry, Illinois)

HONDURAS - 3250 HRPC, Radio Luz Y Vida, San Luis, hymn-like music fading up at 1130 f/by OM ancr in SS at 1131 (may have been opening anmts this date, not sure).  Very weak modulation but decent carrier strength.  1133 into religious music and OM giving inspirational talk, seemed a mix of religion and patriotism, equally as many references to "El Senor" as to "nuestra patria".  Pattern was OM spoke, then paused as music cranked up, and then down, when he started speaking again.  Rinse and repeat, hi!  Modulation improved a bit as xmtr warmed up, but was fighting a losing battle with my local sunrise and the rising D-layer absorption.  Almost gone by 1140.  (Perry, Illinois)

LAOS - Lao National Radio, Vientiane, nice signal 1255 tune in on 2/11, EZL local Lao vocals with full instrumental accompaniment, local melodies.  1258 into Lao pop vocal, OM with small combo, straight out of a rural S E Asian night club, hi.  Music ran thru the ToH, then at 1301 a burst of a pounding, disco-type electronic beat f/by OM with lengthy anmts in Lao.  Perhaps a news summary.  1305 music resumed with more Western-sounding guitar ballads, love songs by OM, but rendered in Lao.  At same time/date, 7110 Myanma Radio also really pounding in.  These two make for some wonderful morning listening, take advantage while they are available!   (Perry, Illinois)

Ralph Perry, Wheaton, Illinois
Drake R8B;  Japan Radio NRD-545;  Eton E1;  Hallicrafters SX100;  Knightkit Star Roamer
Dentron Super Tuner + Ameco PLF-2 + Palomar P-408 + customized (tropical bands) Quantum Phaser antenna unit
Longwires (150' + 100'); Tuned Multi-Turn 20" Small Loop;  Single-Turn Coax Loop.

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