ALGERIA [non]. RTA relays via TDF Issoudun, FRANCE, had been missing during B-11, but promptly with start of A-12 they are back: 7295, March 25 at 0536, good signal with Qur`an; 0550 Arabic talk cut off at 0557*, how rude! But typical TDF behavior. Algiers has never caught on this is happening to their broadcasts, or just don`t care. HFCC A-12 shows the complete schedule, but remains to be seen if all of them are active; all are for the full A-12 datespan except as shown, with two different azimuths alternating: 7295 04-05 162 7295 05-06 194 7495 21-23 194 9375 20-22 162 9535 05-06 162 9535 06-07 194 until May 5 and from 2 Sept 11775 19-21 194 11985 06-07 194 13820 18-20 162 I did check 9535, the only one I remembered as previous // but heard nothing altho Spain was making it well during previous hour. 11775 will collide with Anguilla, 13820 with R. Martí and Cuban jamming. Looks like the reactivation of RTA relay via Issoudun, FRANCE, heard at the beginning of A-12, was only a pro-forma test to remind us it`s possible: missing from 7295, 24 hours later at 0524 March 26. The only other one checked per the A-12 registered schedule was 7495, and it too was absent at 2253 March 25, just before it would normally have closed (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1610, DX LISTENING DIGEST)R
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