IV-EDXCV-2014: Comenzó la cuenta regresiva...!!!

IV-EDXCV-2014: Comenzó la cuenta regresiva...!!!
Diseño del Afiche: Yimber Gaviria, Cali, Colombia.

lunes, 7 de mayo de 2012

MATERIAL DX para consultas.

domingo, abril 29, 2012, 8:09 pm
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1 Archivo (31KB)
An hour-by-hour guide to shortwave broadcasts from UK 
transmitter sites. 
Updated April 2012.

Via @yimbergaviria

U.K. : South Asia on Shortwave

domingo, abril 29, 2012, 7:46 pm
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1 Archivo (40KB)
A handy guide to shortwave radio stations in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh 
and Nepal. 
In frequency order, pdf format. Updated April 2012.


Via @yimbergaviria

U.K. : Middle East on Shortwave

domingo, abril 29, 2012, 7:24 pm
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1 Archivo (43KB)

A comprehensive guide to shortwave radio stations in the Middle East. 
In country order, pdf format.
Updated April 2012.


U.K. : Afghanistan on Shortwave

domingo, abril 29, 2012, 7:00 pm
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1 Archivo (40KB)
A comprehensive guide to shortwave broadcasts to Afghanistan 
and the Afghanistan-Pakistan border.The document is in pdf format. 
Updated April 2012.


Via @yimbergaviria

U.K. : Africa on Shortwave

domingo, abril 29, 2012, 6:45 pm
remitentes ocultos
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1 Archivo (31KB)
A comprehensive country-by-country guide to domestic and external 
broadcasts from Africa, including selected opposition and target 
broadcasts to the African continent. 
The document is in pdf format. Updated April 2012.


Via @yimbergaviria

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