Dear DX-friends,
Here is what I heard recently in Skovlunde on my AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire:
4760 0030-0045 fade out IND 24.01 AIR Port Blair Hindi news from Delhi 0030-0035 // 5010, 0035-0040 news in English // 4920 and 5010, 0040 local programme 25322 AP-DNK
4775 0040-0050 IND 24.01 AIR Imphal local singing by 2 men accompanied by a native instrument 45333 AP-DNK
4835 *0058-0105 IND 24.01 AIR Gangtok AIR IS, Nepali ann, "Vande Mataram" hymn, string music 35333 AP-DNK
4860 0155-0205 IND 25.01 AIR Delhi, Kingsway Hindi talk, advs, ID: "Yeh Akashvani Delhi he", radioplay. Tonight audible audio, but still strong hum from the transmitter 32442 AP-DNK
4895 *0055-0105 IND 24.01 Nepali (p) ann, "Vande Mataram" hymn, Sitar music 33333 QRM Mongolia underneath and utility QRM AP-DNK
4920 0225-0248:51* IND 26.01 AIR Chennai Military march, Tamil fast talk like reporting from the celebrations of the Republic Day, cut off in mid-sentence 35333 AP-DNK No Indian stations were audible in Denmark on 49 and 41 mb at 0245-0300.
4965 1550-1600 IND 25.01 AIR Shimla Hindi ann, Indian songs 35333 AP-DNK
4970 0050-0100 IND 24.01 AIR Shillong Vernacular ann, Indian songs 25322 AP-DNK
5015 1540-1550 IND 25.01 AIR Delhi, Kingsway English news // 5010, 1545 talk in Hindi. Disturbed by heavy transmitter hum and CWQRM 32332 AP-DNK
9305.00 1920-2250 EGY 28.01 R Cairo, Abis Arabic emergency programme on a day of severe riots when 19 were killed and more than 1000 arrested. Mostly non-stop Arab songs with frequent ID's like "Huna Al-Kahira". Most times short news on full and half hours, but at 2100-2135 extensive news and comments on the situation. For entertainment R Cairo also played two short dramatic radioplays! But at 2217 President Hosni Mubarak suddenly held his longly awaited Speech to the Nation where he dismissed the Government! 2229 followed a Martial song and at 2235 the announcer mentioned that it was the President we had heard! 55544 AP-DNK
Best 73,
Dear DX-friends,
After a serious computer breakdown, I am now back with a new computer with my loggings from Skovlunde done on an AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire:
3815 USB 2105-2214* GRL 12+15+18.01 KNR, Tasiilaq Greenlandic ann, orchestra music, 2130 news, music and ann, 2200 Danish news 25332 - 13211 deep fades, utility QRM incl. Russian airport calls AP-DNK
4450 2215-2230 CLA 14.01 AINDF, Pyongyang Korean female talk // 3480. QRM Voice of the People, Goyang, South Korea, Korean male talk // 3912, 6518 and 6600 33333 AP-DNK
4716.71 0050-0120 BOL 18.01 R Yatun Ayllu Yura, Yura Spanish conversation 25322 AP-DNK
4754.87 0020-0030 B 19.01 R Imaculada Conceicão, Campo Grande, MS, Portuguese conversation 35333 AP-DNK
4760.02 0035-0055 fade out IND 16+18.01 AIR Port Blair English news from Delhi // 4920, 5010, 0040 adv, talk in vernacular, string music 25322 AP-DNK
4775 0030-0100 IND 16.01 AIR Imphal English/vernacular local string music, 0035 news in English from Delhi // 4920, 5010; 0040 local singing without music 45333 AP-DNK
4835.00 *0058-0110 IND 16+18.01 AIR Gangtok, Sikkim Nepali ann after AIR IS and "Vande Mataram" hymn, 0102 string music and drums 35333 AP-DNK
4845.25 2245-2310 B 12+13.01 R Cultura Ondas Tropicais, Manaus, AM Portuguese talk about Brazil, fanfare and songs. Strongest Brazilian station in 60 mb 35333 AP-DNK
4870.04 *0227-0240 CLA 22.01 Voice of Iranian Kurdistan, Salah Al-Din, Iraq Kurdish Horn music 45444, 0230 Iranian jamming started, Kurdish ID: "Ere Dengê Kurdistana Iranê", martial song, frequency ann, Kurdish songs 43443. In the background was R Voice of Kashmir probably heard! AP-DNK
4950 0210-0220* IND 22.01 R Kashmir, Srinagar Kashmiri (p) long talk, signed off in mid-sentence 34333 weak CWQRM AP-DNK
4955.00 2310-2335 PRU 12.01 R Cultural Amauta, Huanta Quechoa talk, orchestra music with trumpet 25222 AP-DNK
5030.03 2255-2330 fade out MLA 13.01 RTM, Kuching, Sarawak Malay songs by choir, 2300 news, 2315 songs and talk 35232. (9835 had German religious program from HCJB, Santiago!) AP-DNK
5940 2340-2350 B 12.01 Voz Missionaria,Balneario Camboriú, SC Portuguese talk, hymns 34232 AP-DNK
5952.47 2255-2305 BOL 14.01 R Pio XII, Siglo XX Quechoa religious talk 24222 AP-DNK
6035.03 0010-0020 CLM 16.01 La Voz del Guaviare, San José del Guaviare Spanish ann, Colombian pop music 35333 AP-DNK
7275 0455-0535 TUN 16.01 R Tunisienne, Sfax Arabic Call to Prayer, 0500 ann, Qurán recitation, 0503 ann "..Allah...", 0504 ID "Huna Tunis, Idha´at al-wataniya at-Tunisiya", a man reading a declaration mentioning democracy in Tunis, 0508 ID, Arab songs, 0516 ID, more songs, 0527 conversation about "Entifada" in Tunisia with some laughter ! 45444 AP-DNK
7335 0755-0805* TUN 16.01 R Tunisienne, Sfax Arabic ann, orchestra music 45333 AP-DNK
7345 1920-1930 TUN 16.01 R Tunisienne, Sfax Arabic songs and ann 45344 // 7225 and 9725 AP-DNK
9725 1810-1920 TUN 16.01 R Tunisienne, Sfax Arabic discussion with phone-ins about the political situation, music 35333 // 7225 (33432) under BBC Cyprus in English reporting from Tunis AP-DNK
Best 73,
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