Mauricio Molano latest QSLs receivedsábado, 29 de enero, 2011 23:45
De: "Dario Monferini"
latest QSLs received
Posted by: Mauricio Molano
CHINA : CNR-1, Changzhou 600kw. 1593 kHz. Sent snail-mail report. Received QSL-card in 60 days.
ADDR: CHINA NATIONAL RADIO, P.O.Box 4501, BEIJING 100866, CHINA. ( Mauricio Molano- SPAIN).
COLOMBIA : HJCG Radio Santa Fe, Bogotá 1070 kHz. Sent e-f/up. Received 2 Emails,
first in 16 minutes. V/s : Iván Augusto Briceño Linares, (Comunicador social
y periodista). The second 2 days after from V/s : Blanca Bernal (Owner).
I wrote to Email : contacto@radiosanta fe.com ( Mauricio Molano- SPAIN).
MEXICO : XETOT Tampico, Tamaulipas 1190 kHz . Heard with ABC network programs, sent
Email-report to HQ in México DF, received f/d Email in 5 days. V/s : FELIPE DE JESUS ALANIS GARCIA, (Ingeniero).
Email : falanis@abcradio. com.mx ( Mauricio Molano- SPAIN).
USA : WENJ Atlantic City (NJ). 1450 kHz, After 2 letters snail-mail and 4 Email reports
unanswered, the 5th was replied in 51 days. V/s : Kristen Lucca, (Promotions Coordinator)
Millennium Radio Group. Email : kristen.lucca@mrgnj.com
( Mauricio Molano- SPAIN).
USA : WFAN New York, N660 kHz, Sent Email-f/up. Received f/d Email in 13 minutes.
V/s : Eric Spitz (Program Director) Email : espitz@wfan.com
( Mauricio Molano- SPAIN).
USA : WFSM Dry Branch (GA). 1670 kHz, Sent Email-report, received Email in 3 hours.
V/s : James Gay, (Chief Engineer) . Email : jamesgay@clearchannel. com
( Mauricio Molano- SPAIN).
USA : WPTF Raleigh, NC. 680 kHz, Sent Email-f/up. Received very friendly f/d Email in
31 minutes. V/s : Brian W. Freeman, (Program Director) bfreeman@curtismedia. com
( Mauricio Molano- SPAIN).
VENEZUELA : YVLT Radio Sensación, Caracas 830 kHz, Email-f/up. Received f/d Email
in 150 minutes. V/s : Juan Carlos Feijoó, (Gerente de Operaciones).
He is the director of a web about horses racing and as none of the station
addresses gave any result I wrote him through the Email of that web: jcfeijoog@hipismo.net
( Mauricio Molano- SPAIN).
Mauricio Molano
RX site: Aldea del Cano, Cáceres.
LAT: 39º17'09.70 N LONG: 6º19'00 W
(http://moladx. blogspot. com/)
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