IV-EDXCV-2014: Comenzó la cuenta regresiva...!!!

IV-EDXCV-2014: Comenzó la cuenta regresiva...!!!
Diseño del Afiche: Yimber Gaviria, Cali, Colombia.

lunes, 31 de enero de 2011

ITALIA: Roberto Pavanello recibiò QSL R. Oromiya 6030 kHz

Ethiopiajueves, 3 de febrero, 2011 14:40
De: "Dario Monferini" Añadir remitente a ContactosPara: "PLAYDX2003" El mensaje contiene archivos adjuntos1 Archivo (10KB)arma.gif

Ethiopia : OROMIYA RADIO 6030 kHz QSL Email in 12 days,
V/s : Habtamu Dargie Gudeta (Head of Engineering Department).
Snail address : Radio Oromiya, P. o. Box 2919, Adama, Etiopia.
Email : habtamu_dargie@yahoo.com Sent 1 IRC.
WEB : www.orto.gov.et/
Roberto Pavanello

Da: Habtamu Dargie Gudeta

A: pavanellor@libero.it

Date: 03/02/11 07:37

Oggetto: Oromia Radio



Dear Roberto,

I have received your letter that explain the reception of our signal. Thank you very much for your letter.

I am very happy and glad to hear about the reception of our signal in Italy. The signal on 6030kHz and 49M band shortwave broadcast is our program. We have daily program broadcasted on this band and its main content is in Oromo Language which focuses on local issues and local music. We are happy to promote our station around the world and hope you are one of our customers.

I will list the time of our daily programs broadcast time as below.

1. Monday --- Friday

Morning 3:30GMT- 6:00GMT

Noon 9:00GMT-11:00GMT

Evening 15:30GMT---19:00GMT

2. Saturday-Sunday

The whole day 3:30GMT ---19:00GMT

I hope this will give you the information you may need to follow our transmission. If you have any question please do not hesitate to contact me.

With best regards,

Habtamu Dargie Gudeta

Oromia Radio and TV Organization

Engineering Department head

1 comentario:

Unknown dijo...

Hi, what was the sinpo??? thanks