Zacharias Liangas big listing logs for 19th & for 20th Februarydomingo, 20 de febrero, 2011 22:30
De: "Dario Monferini"
Logs for 19th
11615 R Dabanga 1700 with jingle IS Signal S30
9440 Dardarsha 1700 OM with address S20
17725 Abadanga 1704 with a monotonous style hilife song. A gospel song
then man in Lingala (lang of the site ) , then showing email and giving
address at A sudden signoff 1715
The site shows a religious tone
New Frequ. 15850!!! Galei Zahal ? 0825 with a lively discussion between 2 ppl and
applauds /laughs S9
7615 R Pakistan 1718 with relig type Hindi songs . At 1730 man with Islamic
type talks Found be//7530
audio file:
9835 FM Sarawak via RTM on 1734 with signal S7 on the 16 H antenna and
pop songs
11730 (S5) Pilipinas R Ng Bayan 1749 with talks by YL in pilipino (general
lang) and sone numbers . Better signal on the 16 h antenna. Also 11890
(S4)and 15190 (S2)
audio file:
with 0000-0152 on 11730, 0152-0355 on 11890, 0355- end 15190
9345 Vo People 1801 with news in English and on 1802 with ref on ZWE .
then talks by OM in Swahili(?)1803 with a song 1804 talks abt Africa
aaaaaaaaaS5 max 32x42 QRM 9355 CNR/CRI
9526 Vo INDONESIA 1816 with program in German and with ID . signal S9 using
16 m H antenna
9475 R Australia? 1833 with only S2 max , music and OM with talk sin Eng
then a country like song on 1835 . I think heard an ID on 1839 with RA
9445 AIR 1841 with prg 'Incredible India' just ended .YL presenting songs ,
the song started after 20 secs ! S6
4750 PBS Chinghai 2231 at S5 , 342x3 poor mod, prg diff to 4800
7530NF RFA?? 2234 with talks by American man then xlation in CC S4
9385 2237 with intl news , then OM with religious style talks then country
songs S% 35333 on the 16m H ant
9955 WRMI 2241 with relig talks by OM Signal S4 . There is a recording in
my cyberlocker :
9705 LV Sahel 2250 with reggae hilife song S7 Slightly undermodded , quite
trebled 45443
3910 pirate : Spaceman? 2255 with oldies (seems Gary Moore ) and S9 At
2300 with possible ID that i did nt catch then quite many talks in German
3932 pirate 2355 with oldies S7
5070 WWCR 2 2314 with S7
5109.7 USB+C WBCQ 2315 talking numbers 530 ,,78 S5 max
4900 Tent. R. Familia ? Guinea Rep. 2318 with music S1
6310 Dutch (p) pirate with oldies 2320 S3
Logs for 20
15295 VoM 0640 with song 'cinta nusantara' by Sheqal S1
11815 RBC 0645 with hot songs S4-5 but better in LSB to avoid srtong QRM
fromn 11820
There is a recording in my cyber locker :
recorded from 065820 together with the IF on 0702
15160 RAustralia? 0655 a joint venture of RA and BBC for digital radio /TV
Standard rig : ICOM R75 / 2x16 V / m@h40 heads Sennheiser
Please read and distribute this 15 year research article
Please read my article on SINPO at
________________________ (radio monitoring site plus audio clips ) MAIN SITE (all mypages !!)
Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece
greekdx @ otenet dot gr ---
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102,1103,108,
Tecsun PL200/550, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop
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