IV-EDXCV-2014: Comenzó la cuenta regresiva...!!!

IV-EDXCV-2014: Comenzó la cuenta regresiva...!!!
Diseño del Afiche: Yimber Gaviria, Cali, Colombia.

viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011

EE.UU / ALASKA: Esquema de transmisiones de KNLS

** ALASKA. KNLS A-11 FCC registrations
7355 1400-1500 33SE,44 NLS 100 285 CMN
9355 1200-1300 33SE,44 NLS 100 285 CMN
9655 0800-0900 33SE,44 NLS 100 285 CMN
9655 0900-1000 33SE,44 NLS 100 285 CMN
9655 1000-1100 33SE,44 NLS 100 285 CMN
9655 1300-1400 24,33,34 NLS 100 300 CMN
9655 1500-1600 24,33,34 NLS 100 300 RUS
9655 1600-1700 23,24,25,33NLS 100 315 RUS
9655 1700-1800 23,24,25,33NLS 100 315 RUS
9920 1100-1200 33SE,44 NLS 100 285 CMN
9920 1300-1400 33SE,44 NLS 100 285 CMN
9920 1500-1600 33SE,44 NLS 100 285 CMN
9920 1600-1700 33SE,44 NLS 100 285 CMN
9920 1700-1800 33SE,44 NLS 100 285 CMN
11765 1400-1500 45,50N NLS 100 270 ENG
11870 0800-0900 45,50N NLS 100 270 ENG
11870 0900-1000 24,33,34 NLS 100 300 RUS
11870 1000-1100 45,50N NLS 100 270 ENG
11870 1100-1200 24,33,34 NLS 100 300 RUS
11870 1200-1300 45,50N NLS 100 270 ENG
(Wolfgang Büschel, BC-DX March 5 via DXLD)

Here we go again: English portion, at least, partially contradicts the
A-11 schedule KNLS has already posted on its Russian-language website
only, I quoted above. One or the other is probably an earlier
tentative version, not stated as such:

At 0800 and 1000 they agree on 11870. At 1200 one says 9920 and 9965,
the other says 11870 (and the other transmitter in Chinese on 9355).
At 1400 one says 11765 and the other 9655 (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING

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