BOLIVIA - 4716.70, R. Yura (aka R. Yatun Ayllu Yura, Yura, San Antonio de Quijarro). Decent opening to the Andes 3/1, noted thru high ambient noise level at 1025. YL tlks with patriotic theme, catching words "la libertad . . . importancia . . . la patria . . .". Weak signal in high QRN but caught ID 1033, "R Yura . . . las cinco de la manana y tres minutos . . . m.b. dias, amables oyentes . . ." Sig fading down by 1040, about as late as I can ever hold onto a 60 meter Bolivian in the Midwest. (R Perry, Illinois)
PERU - 4746.97, Radio Huanta Dos Mil, OM dj playing huaynos at 1022 on 3/1, pretty good signal and my clue to hunt for other, more desired Andean stations (see above). Came back to recheck at 1042 and caught nice ID by OM, "R Huanta Dos Mil . . ." (R Perry, Illinois)
UNID - 5019.85, unid station noted 1045 during pause in Cuba 5025 modulation, but rocked by splatter shortly thereafter when Cuba ended brief silent period. YL tlks to the hour, then OM with what sounded like newscast. Couldn't make content out very well at all, but tempo and 'shape' of speech sounded like it could have been English. Would love to hear the Solomons again, after all these years, so will keep watching / working this fqy. (R Perry, Illinois)
INDONESIA - 9525.93v (to .96) - Voice of Indonesia. Fair sig poking hole in the band here, and wandering a bit. Was previously on the low side of 9525 and am hearing it better now, in new location above 9525. (Listening in exalted carrier SSB so was tracking fqy, from .93 at 1302 tune-in, up to .96 by 1314 and then back down to .93.) At 1302 EE nx and comment by OM, 1307 musical burst and into EE pgm narrated by YL. At 1314, after orchl burst, "This is the Voice of Indonesia..." f/by an organ rift, and ID again at 1318. At 1320, rather monotonous sparse gamelan band (very few instruments) gonging away, with YL talking over, in spurts. At 1331, nice ID as she mentioned, "Greetings, where ever you are! This is the Voice of Indonesia . . ." Then into a local musical program with interesting fare -- music was a capella choral, from the far eastern Indonesian islands -- therefore, a tip of the cap to Voice of Indonesia. It is noteworthy, in this traditionally totally Javanese-dominated country, to see the more far-flung areas getting some respect on the country's international service. (R Perry, Illinois)
BOLIVIA - 4716.70, R. Yura, oops, pls ignore erroneously transcribed t/ck in earlier report; was 6:33, not 5:03! My mistake -- needed more coffee this a.m., hi (R Perry, Illinois)
Ralph Perry, Wheaton, Illinois
Drake R8B; Eton E1; Hallicrafters SX100; Knightkit Star Roamer
Dentron Super Tuner + Ameco PLF-2 + Palomar P-408
2 Longwires
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