IV-EDXCV-2014: Comenzó la cuenta regresiva...!!!

IV-EDXCV-2014: Comenzó la cuenta regresiva...!!!
Diseño del Afiche: Yimber Gaviria, Cali, Colombia.

sábado, 29 de octubre de 2011

DINAMARCA: Captaciones DX de Anker Petersen.

Anker Petersen: Tips from Denmark
sábado, 29 de octubre, 2011 14:35

Dear DX-friends,

This is what I heard recently on my AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of
longwire here in Skovlunde:

4409.81 0045-0055 BOL 21.10 R Eco, Reyes (t) weak
carrier, but no audio heard. AP-DNK

4746.97 0005-0015 PRU 29.10 R Huanta 2000, Huanta Spanish
talk. Still on the air after the earthquake 28.10 15211 . But no
carrier was heard on 4955 from R Cultural Amauta, Huanta ! AP-DNK
This earthquake was located just on the coast area, no problems in Huanta
more than 200 kM inland (Dario Monferini comment )
Here a good video and detailled informations :

4915.02 0100-0200 B Fr 21.10 R Daqui, Goiânia, GO
Portuguese ann, advs, Brazilian pop songs, ID's 0124, 0132 and 0144:
"Rádio Daqui", frequency ann - extended broadcast, also heard Sa 22.10
at 0025, but not 22.10 at 2320 or on 29.10 at 0025 35333 AP-DNK

4935.25 0105-0115 B 21.10 R Capixaba, Vitória, ES (p)
Portuguese talk 25222 AP-DNK

4940.00 0020-0030 IND 29.10 AIR Guwahati Assamese (t)
ann, Indian songs with sitar and drums 35333 AP-DNK

4965.00 *0023-0035 IND 29.10 AIR Shimla Hindi ann after
AIR IS and "Vande Mataram" hymn, Indian songs, 0030 Hindi news from
Delhi 34333 QRM from CVC, Lusaka AP-DNK

11600.00 1610-1735 LBY 24+25.10 R TV Libya, Sabrata
French programmes, "Chancon", Vienna Waltzes and Russian music, ID:
"Radio Télévision Libye de la capitale de Tripoli", 1702 news about the
Benghazi declaration of Liberty, military victory by the Libyan
Liberation Army, heading towards democracy. New station with new manning
with completely different style from former "Voice of Africa"! 45432
Poor voice audio modulation. From *1700 QRM from CRI in Swahili. On
26.10 LBY was OFF the air 1610-1720 AP-DNK

Best 73,

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