IV-EDXCV-2014: Comenzó la cuenta regresiva...!!!

IV-EDXCV-2014: Comenzó la cuenta regresiva...!!!
Diseño del Afiche: Yimber Gaviria, Cali, Colombia.

miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2011

EE.UU / OCEANO PACIFICO: Radio Free Asia Announces its B11 schedule

martes, octubre 25, 2011, 7:24 pm
"williams lopez M"
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"Grupo DX" , "Santiago San Gil" , "Jorge DX"
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Subject: RFA Announces its B11 schedule
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2011 15:59:33 -0400
From: janitscheka@rfa.org
To: qsl@rfa.org

Hi all: Radio Free Asia announces our B11 broadcast schedule; it goes into effect at 0800 UTC, Sunday, October 30, 2011. Here is the schedule:


0030-0130 UTC 12115 15700 17835

1230-1400 UTC 7245 11795 12105

1400-1430 UTC 11795 12105

1630-1730 UTC 7245


1400-1500 UTC 6025 7470

2200-2300 UTC 7250 9780 11775


1230-1330 UTC 13810 15160

2230-2330 UTC 5790 11850


1500-1700 UTC 648 5855 7210 9385

1700-1900 UTC 648 5855 9385

2100-2200 UTC 648 7460 9385 11995


0000-0100 UTC 15690 17770

1100-1200 UTC 9325 15120


0300-0700 UTC 11980 13710 15150 15665 17880 21540

1500-1600 UTC 6025 7445 9790 9905 11945 13725

1600-1700 UTC 6020 7415 7445 9455 9905 11945 13725

1700-1800 UTC 6020 7415 7445 9355 9455 9905 11945 13670

1800-1900 UTC 6025 7385 7415 7445 9355 9455 9905 11790 11945 13670

1900-2000 UTC 1098 5860 6025 6095 7385 9355 9455 9875 9905 11790 11945

2000-2100 UTC 1098 5860 6025 6095 7355 7495 9355 9455 9875 11900 11945

2100-2200 UTC 1098 6025 6095 7355 7495 9355 9455 9875 11900 11945

2300-2400 UTC 7540 9585 9825 11775 11975 15550


0100-0300 UTC 7470 9670 11695 15220 17730

0600-0700 UTC 17515 17715 21490 21695

1000-1100 UTC 9690 15140 17750

1100-1200 UTC 7470 9350 11590 15375

1200-1400 UTC 7470 9350 11590 13625 15375

1500-1600 UTC 5780 9955 11625 11905

2200-2300 UTC 6005 7470 9835

2300-2400 UTC 6010 7470 7550 9875


0100-0200 UTC 7480 9480 9645 9690 17850

1600-1700 UTC 7285 7470 9725 12080


0000-0030 UTC 5885 11605 11965 15135

1400-1430 UTC 1503 7245 9455 9990 11605 12130 13735

1430-1500 UTC 7245 9455 9990 11605 12130 13735

2300-2330 UTC 1503

2330-2400 UTC 1503 5885 11605 11965 15135

You received this email as you have expressed interest in our programming and QSL cards in the past; please let us know if you would like to be dropped from our distribution list.

Best wishes from all of us at RFA. Thx AJ

AJ Janitschek

Radio Free Asia

2025 M Street, NW

Washington DC 20036

United States of America

+1 (202)530-4900

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