"PlayDX Group"
Ciao la Tanzania / Zanzibar è tornata attiva su 11735 kHz come segnalato in Giappone e non solo.
11735 24/4 1800 Zanzibar Bc Corporation, Tanzania, African drums, id and news in English “The news from Zanzibar Broadcasting Corporation” good
Giampiero Bernardini
Milano, Italçç
ZANZIBAR. Thanks to this timely tip via Rodolfo Tizzi, on condiglist: BACK ON 11735 NOW --- La Voz de Tanzania, Zanzíbar, escuchada por un amigo japonés de Youtç
Aquí no creo que tengamos suerte, con Rádio Transmundial de Santa Maria, Brasil, pero quizás pueda escuchársela a otra hora. 73 de CX2ABP (Rodolfo Tizzi, Uruguay, April 23, condiglist yg via DXLD)
Clip says:
``11735 kHz Voice of Tanzania Zanzibar ZBC Radio 2012 Apr 23 1808 UT``
It used to stay on until 2100 --- I distributed this to the DXLD yg right away at 2003 April 23 and then started to hunt for it myself.
At 2007, a very poor and heavily fluttered signal is probably this rather than Brasil, bolstered by the carrier going off at 2101:12*.
Rodolfo did get it and later put up his own clip, 2046-2051 April 23:
Hope it improves here on other days, and stays on unlike the brief reactivation last February. It was much better heard in the UK by Mark Davies and Alan Roe, and `` all over Europe`` by Wolfgang Buschel.
Old info in Aoki shows 15-21 in Swahili, except for English at 1800-1810 except on Thursdays and Saturdays, 50 kW, non-direxional from Dole. WRTH has the 11735 time starting at 1400v, and the English at 1800 as irregular.
HFCC A-12 shows nothing else on 11735 during these hours. Aoki also has R. Transmundial, Brasil at 08-02; Likewise EiBi except hours for that also ending at 21! From 08-. Brasil, of course, refuses to participate in HFCC, despite all its SW stations on 6, 9, 11 and 15 MHz bands.
Ron Howard in California reports the other frequency 6015 was still absent when it should have propagated around 0300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
"PlayDX Group" ,
Una notte come non si "ascoltava" da tanto tempo. Propagazione aperta verso l'America Latina sui 60 metri e non solo. Tanti segnali e segnalini che avevo ormai dimenticato. Peccato non essere stati a Bocca di Magra, ma a Milano con un sacco di noise e gli ascensori che partivano sempre nel momento sbagliato!
Great Latin night, as I don’t remember since so many time. It was a pity to be here in Milan Noise City with elevators moving and jamming always in the wrong minutes... It would be very nice to be in Bocca di Magra.
Some images on SW blog:
4055 24/4 0115 Radio Verdad, Guatemala, long religious talks, fair
4409.793 23/4 2335 Radio Eco, Bolivia, songs, talks, very weak
4699.33 23/4 2315 Radio San Miguel, Bolivia, nice song, weak but clear
4747.08 23/4 2324 Radio Huanta 2000, Peru, long enphatic talks in Spanish, weak, frequency slowly drifting till 4747.093
4774.95 23/4 2344 Radio Tarma, Peru, sport live, commercials, later songs, fair/good (observed another carrier on 4775)
4789.87 24/4 0005 Radio Vision, Chiclayo, Peru, Andean style songs, weak
4805.01 24/4 0015 Radio Difusora da Amazonia, Manaus, Brazil, songs, fair, CODAR QRM
4814.97 24/4 0023 Radio Difusora Londrina, Brazil, religious talks, fair
4824.476 24/4 0032 La Voz de la Selva, Iquitos, Peru, songs, weak, better USB
4865.03 24/4 0041 Radio Verdes Florestas, Cruzeiro do Sul, Brasil, nice Brazilian songs, fair
4894.916 24/4 0049 Radio Novo Tempo (tent) Brazil, music, poor
4914.966 24/4 0055 Radio Difusora do Macapà, Brazil, music, later talks, fair
4925.226 24/4 0104 Radio Educacao Rural, Tefé, Brazil, talks and music, weak
5970 24/4 0122 Radio Itatiaia, Brazil, phone talks, fair
6010.107 24/4 0130 La Voz de tu Conciencia, Colombia, slow song, talks, fair signal but some QRM
6070 24/4 0139 Radio Capital / Deus è Amor, Rio de Janeiro, religious talks man & woman, over CFRX, // 11765 fair
6080.035 24/4 0148 Radio Marumby, Curitiba, Brazil, long religious talk by woman, religious songs, fair
6173 24/4 0155 Radio Tawantisuyo, Perù, nice music, later talks, weak
6180 24/4 0201 Radio Nacional da Amazonia, news, economics, good
6184.99 24/4 0204 Radio Educacion, Mexico, "Informacion", fair
Giampiero Bernardini
Milano, Italia
RX: Excalibur Pro & SDR-14 con SDR-Radio software
Ant: T2FD lunga 15 metri
QTH: Milano Noise City
5066.3,R Tele Candip COD Bunia, 1730 15Apr, low modulation mx fair , 23322(Giroletti)
6055,R Rwanda RWW Kigali, 1745 12Apr , px mx vernacular ID 1750 "R Rwanda",44444(Giroletti)
6164.96,R TV Tchadienne TCD N'djamena, 1840 15Apr, px mx vernacular tribal,44444(Girolett)
5005,R Guinea Equatorial GNE Bata ,1855 15Apr , px mx local noise from UTE better LSB ,32333(Giroletti)
5765, AFRTS (AFN Feeder) GUM Barrigada , 1907utc , 30 15Apr, px relay in E USB,33333(Giroletti)
4750,R Dunamis UGA Mukono,1705 19Apr,tentative low modulation spark noise!!!,12222(Giroletti)
7295,TRAXX FM MLA Kuala Lampur, 1720 19Apr, relay FM px pop,44444(Giroletti)
15190, R Pilipinas PHL Tinang,1735 19Apr, id "P B L Radio Pilipinas..." px local,44444(Giroletti)
5010,AIR IND Thiruvananthapuam,1730 22Apr, id "this is ALL INDIA Radio" px nx in E//5040 AIR Jeypore,44444(Giroletti)
7175, Voice of Broad Masses ERI Asmara,1745 22Apr, px local //7120,44444(Giroletti)
4949.78,R Nacional de Angola ANG Mulenvos, 1840 22Apr,carrier present not audible voice low music,31111 (Giroletti)
- Mauro -
-Swl 1510-
-JRC525Nrd - Lowe HF150-
Filter PAR Electronics – BCST-LPF + BCST-HPF- DSP 9
-Eavesdropper SWL Sloper 11mt to 120mt Band- Loop ALA 100 M
-Lat. 45°25'0"N Long. 9°7'0"E -Locator grid. Jn 45 Nk-
4780,Rdiff TV de Djibouti DJI Arta, 1950 22Apr, px vernacular noise from UTE stanag better LSB,32233(Giroletti)
13362,AFRST feeder AFN GUM Barrigada,2005 22Apr, USB mode "Breaking NEWS" in E,33333(Giroletti)
4885,R Clube do Parà B Belèm, 0440 24Apr, px mx +ID,44444(Giroletti)
4915,R Difusora B Macapà, 0450 24Apr, px mx ,33333(Giroletti)
4825,R Cancao Nova B Cachoeira,0505 24Apr, px mx +ID,33333(Giroletti)
4789.92, R Vision PRU Chiclayo,0516 24Apr, px mx no ID ,32233(Giroletti)
17720, R Pakistan PAK Islamabad,0950 25Apr, px mx local 1000utc time signal and px nx URDU 1006utc off TX???1008utc return TX,44444(Giroletti)
4319,AFRST feeder AFN DGA Diego Garcia, 1745 25Apr, USB mode px in E + ID,23323(Giroletti)
- Mauro -
-Swl 1510-
-JRC525Nrd - Lowe HF150-
Filter PAR Electronics – BCST-LPF + BCST-HPF- DSP 9
-Eavesdropper SWL Sloper 11mt to 120mt Band- Loop ALA 100 M
-Lat. 45°25'0"N Long. 9°7'0"E -Locator grid. Jn 45 Nk-
Ciao, buona propagazione ieri sera sui 15 MHz, Radio Inconfidencia molto
bene e anche RNZI in DRM ok
Immagini come al solito sul blog SW: dove
trovate anche il grafico solare di questi giorni
15140 22/4 1900 Radio Sultanate Oman, news, in Arabic, low modulation, fair
15190 22/4 1845 Radio Pilipinas, Philippines, Talks in Tagalog, pop
songs, great id, also in English, at 1855. Good
15190 22/4 2151 two religious stations in English fighting on the same
frequency, both exactly in 15190v with fair signal but fading, Family
Radio & Radio Africa, i find it simply crazy!
15191.448v Radio Inconfidencia, Brazil, sport...
goooooooooooooollllllllllll ids, jingles, good
15344.82 22/4 1910 Radio Nacional Argentina, cultural talks, Spanish, fair
15349.138 22/4 1915 SNRT, Nador, Morocco, talks in Arabic, good
15580 22/4 1918 Voice of America, Mopeng Hill, Botswana, English lesson,
15610 22/4 1921 WEWN, USA, conversation, English, fair
15630 22/4 1924 Voice of Greece, (pres), classic music, fair, fading
15720 22/4 1928 Radio New Zealand International, DRM, Interview, English,
good signal and good audio (SNR around 22 dB)
15825 22/4 2145 WWCR, Nashville, USA, religious talks, English, fair
17640 22/4 2135 CVC, Chile, DRM good signal but voice gaps, Spanish
talks, songs
Giampiero Bernardini
RX: Drake R-4C, Excalibur Pro, Elad FDM-S1
Ant: T2FD 15 meters long
QTH Milano, Italia
bene e anche RNZI in DRM ok
Immagini come al solito sul blog SW: dove
trovate anche il grafico solare di questi giorni
15140 22/4 1900 Radio Sultanate Oman, news, in Arabic, low modulation, fair
15190 22/4 1845 Radio Pilipinas, Philippines, Talks in Tagalog, pop
songs, great id, also in English, at 1855. Good
15190 22/4 2151 two religious stations in English fighting on the same
frequency, both exactly in 15190v with fair signal but fading, Family
Radio & Radio Africa, i find it simply crazy!
15191.448v Radio Inconfidencia, Brazil, sport...
goooooooooooooollllllllllll ids, jingles, good
15344.82 22/4 1910 Radio Nacional Argentina, cultural talks, Spanish, fair
15349.138 22/4 1915 SNRT, Nador, Morocco, talks in Arabic, good
15580 22/4 1918 Voice of America, Mopeng Hill, Botswana, English lesson,
15610 22/4 1921 WEWN, USA, conversation, English, fair
15630 22/4 1924 Voice of Greece, (pres), classic music, fair, fading
15720 22/4 1928 Radio New Zealand International, DRM, Interview, English,
good signal and good audio (SNR around 22 dB)
15825 22/4 2145 WWCR, Nashville, USA, religious talks, English, fair
17640 22/4 2135 CVC, Chile, DRM good signal but voice gaps, Spanish
talks, songs
Giampiero Bernardini
RX: Drake R-4C, Excalibur Pro, Elad FDM-S1
Ant: T2FD 15 meters long
QTH Milano, Italia
5066.3,R Tele Candip COD Bunia, 1730 15Apr, low modulation mx fair , 23322(Giroletti)
6055,R Rwanda RWW Kigali, 1745 12Apr , px mx vernacular ID 1750 "R Rwanda",44444(Giroletti)
6164.96,R TV Tchadienne TCD N'djamena, 1840 15Apr, px mx vernacular tribal,44444(Girolett)
5005,R Guinea Equatorial GNE Bata ,1855 15Apr , px mx local noise from UTE better LSB ,32333(Giroletti)
5765, AFRTS (AFN Feeder) GUM Barrigada , 1907utc , 30 15Apr, px relay in E USB,33333(Giroletti)
4750,R Dunamis UGA Mukono,1705 19Apr,tentative low modulation spark noise!!!,12222(Giroletti)
7295,TRAXX FM MLA Kuala Lampur, 1720 19Apr, relay FM px pop,44444(Giroletti)
15190, R Pilipinas PHL Tinang,1735 19Apr, id "P B L Radio Pilipinas..." px local,44444(Giroletti)
5010,AIR IND Thiruvananthapuam,1730 22Apr, id "this is ALL INDIA Radio" px nx in E//5040 AIR Jeypore,44444(Giroletti)
7175, Voice of Broad Masses ERI Asmara,1745 22Apr, px local //7120,44444(Giroletti)
4949.78,R Nacional de Angola ANG Mulenvos, 1840 22Apr,carrier present not audible voice low music,31111 (Giroletti)
73 e buoni DX!
- Mauro -
-Swl 1510-
-JRC525Nrd - Lowe HF150-
Filter PAR Electronics – BCST-LPF + BCST-HPF- DSP 9
-Eavesdropper SWL Sloper 11mt to 120mt Band- Loop ALA 100 M
-Lat. 45°25'0"N Long. 9°7'0"E -Locator grid. Jn 45 Nk-
Para:, "PlayDX"
Alcuni ascolti di ieri, finalmente anche il Brasile!
2012-04-21 kHz UTC ITU Program + Location Details Remarks km SINPO 15315 2110 HOL Radio Nederland, Bonaire (bnr) Talk about the Queen, in Dutch 8233 km 24333 12070 2120 USA WYFR Family Radio, Ascension/English Bay (asc) Religious px, in English 6166 km 24322 12015 2150 KRE Voice of Korea KCBS, Kujang (pyb) Local song, ID, schedule, in English 8752 km 45434 11775 2210 USA WHRI, Cypress Creek/Furman (SC) Religious px, piano music, in English 7797 km 24333 11765 2220 B Super Rádio Deus é Amor, Curitiba/Corpo de Bombeiros (PR) Talk in Portuguese, local song Better in USB mode 9747 km 23333 11535 2248 KRE Voice of Korea KCBS, Kujang (pyb) Local songs, talk in Chinese 8752 km 34333
Roberto Rizzardi
SWL I/0216/GR
Porto S. Stefano (GR) Italy
Lat 42N43 - Long 11E12 - Locator grid JN52NK
Receivers: ICOM IC-R71E
Sangean ATS909 with 2x80kHz Murata filters in FM
Antennas: 15 meters outdoor random wire with RF System Magnetic Longwire Balun
Indoor self-made single-turn coax loop
Telescopic and 7 meters indoor long wire antenna
Skype - Twitter: robybenjy
Roberto Rizzardi
SWL I/0216/GR
Porto S. Stefano (GR) Italy
Lat 42N43 - Long 11E12 - Locator grid JN52NK
Receivers: ICOM IC-R71E
Sangean ATS909 with 2x80kHz Murata filters in FM
Antennas: 15 meters outdoor random wire with RF System Magnetic Longwire Balun
Indoor self-made single-turn coax loop
Telescopic and 7 meters indoor long wire antenna
Skype - Twitter: robybenjy
Dopo un'osservazione di Glenn Hauser mi sono accorto che avevo il settaggio sbagliato sul mio SDR reinstallato: quindi l'orario esatto è *2000-2100*. Il Drake R-4C non ha questi problemi! Accidenti
--- En, escribió:
> 11870 26/4 *1800-1900* Radio Biafra London, received with a good signal here in Milan Italy, signing on at 1800, id, web address. Good modulation. End and signal off at 1900 (tx in Germany) â€" thanks to Glenn Hauser reminder -
> Ciao
> Giampiero
> Giampiero Bernardini
> Milano
--- En,
> 11870 26/4 *1800-1900* Radio Biafra London, received with a good signal here in Milan Italy, signing on at 1800, id, web address. Good modulation. End and signal off at 1900 (tx in Germany) â€" thanks to Glenn Hauser reminder -
> Ciao
> Giampiero
> Giampiero Bernardini
> Milano
"PlayDX Group"
11870 26/4 *1800-1900* Radio Biafra London, received with a good signal here in Milan Italy, signing on at 1800, id, web address. Good modulation. End and signal off at 1900 (tx in Germany) – thanks to Glenn Hauser reminder -
Giampiero Bernardini
4780,Rdiff TV de Djibouti DJI Arta, 1950 22Apr, px vernacular noise from UTE stanag better LSB,32233(Giroletti)
13362,AFRST feeder AFN GUM Barrigada,2005 22Apr, USB mode "Breaking NEWS" in E,33333(Giroletti)
4885,R Clube do Parà B Belèm, 0440 24Apr, px mx +ID,44444(Giroletti)
4915,R Difusora B Macapà, 0450 24Apr, px mx ,33333(Giroletti)
4825,R Cancao Nova B Cachoeira,0505 24Apr, px mx +ID,33333(Giroletti)
4789.92, R Vision PRU Chiclayo,0516 24Apr, px mx no ID ,32233(Giroletti)
17720, R Pakistan PAK Islamabad,0950 25Apr, px mx local 1000utc time signal and px nx URDU 1006utc off TX???1008utc return TX,44444(Giroletti)
4319,AFRST feeder AFN DGA Diego Garcia, 1745 25Apr, USB mode px in E + ID,23323(Giroletti)
73 e buoni DX!
- Mauro -
-Swl 1510-
-JRC525Nrd - Lowe HF150-
Filter PAR Electronics – BCST-LPF + BCST-HPF- DSP 9
-Eavesdropper SWL Sloper 11mt to 120mt Band- Loop ALA 100 M
-Lat. 45°25'0"N Long. 9°7'0"E -Locator grid. Jn 45 Nk-
Ecco il monitoraggio spagnolo fatto a Bocca di Magra in occasione di BOC-27
Merito di Dario Monferini, molto paziente e costante nella caccia ai segnali iberici.
Da qui si possono ricavare gli orari estivi di molti programmi regionali e locali.
La lista è riportata sul Blog MW:
540 01-05/04 0930....1500 Onda Cero Catalunya, TX Barcelona, Catalunya, local programs in Catalan & Spanish. Hungary MR1 Kossuth Radio, TX Solt, has reduced time, usually S/Off around 1800 hours.
558 02...05/04 0525-0530 ; 0550-0600 ; 1135-1155 RNE R.5 Valencia, Pais Valenciano, Regional programs. Local only at 0700-0715 Monday to Friday. Poor/Good. BOC-27
567 04-05/04 0550-0600 RNE R.5 Marbella, Andalucia, Regional mixed up/down with RNE R.5 Murcia, Comunidad Murciana + QRM RAI 1. Poor/fair. BOC-27
576 02...05/04 0525-0530 ; 0550-0600 ; 1135-1155 RNE R.5 Catalunya, Tx Barcelona, Catalunya, Regional Service, Local at 0700-0715 in Catalan language. POOR/GOOD. BOC-27
585 02...05/040550-0600 RNE R.1 Comunidad Madrid, Tx Madrid, weak signals. Too much QRM local noise at midday. Poor/Good. BOC-27
603 02/04 0550-0559 RNE R.5 Sevilla, Andalucia, regional. strong QRM from France Inter, Lyon. POOR/FAIR. BOC-27
621 02...05/04 0525-0530 ; 0550-0600 ; 1105-1155 RNE R.1 Baleares, TX Palma Mallorca, Regional Service in Mallorquin & Spanish. Local at 0700-0715. At 0550 QRM RTBF La Premiere, Belgium in French. POOR/FAIR. BOC-27
639 04+05/04 0550-0559 RNE R.1 Aragon, Tx Zaragoza, Spain. Regional program. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-27
666 02...05/04 0450-0459 ; 0525-0530 ; 0550-0600 ; 1109-1156 SER R. Barcelona, Catalunya, "SER Catalunya Migdia" 1109. At evening frequency is splash from local 657. + QRM From Radio Filia, Greece, Relay FM KOSMOS 93.6 Athens. POOR/FAIR. BOC-27
684 02...05/04 0550-0559 ; 1105-1155 RNE R.1 Andalucia, TX Sevilla, Andalucia. Regional Program. Weak signal midday. POOR/GOOD. BOC-27
693 04/04 0550-0559 RNE R.1 Catalunya, TX Tortosa, Regional program //738. POOR/FAIR. BOC-27
711 05/04 0550-0559 COPE Murcia, Spain, Local news & advertising. + QRM Radio France Info, TX Rennes partly Looped. POOR/GOOD. BOC-27
729 03+04/04 0550-0559 RNE R.1 Asturias, Tx Oviedo, Regional program. POOR/FAIR. BOC-27
738 31/03...04/04 0525-0530 ; 0550-0600 ; 1110-1200 RNE R.1 Catalunya, TX Barcelona, Catalunya, Regional program in Catalan. 1210 "Migdia Informatiu Radio Um I Radio Quatre". 02/04 Live Barça 3 Milan 1!!!! Visca Barça !!!! SUFF/V.GOOD. BOC-27
747 05/04 0550-0559 RNE R.5 Cadiz, Andalucia, Regional program. NOT //684 !!!. "La semana Santa en Andalucia" SUFF/GOOD. BOC-27
756 01...04/04 1900-2059 Radio Euskadi, TX Bilbao, Spanish program //819,963. + Mixed Up/Down with Radio Deutschlandfunk, TX Koenigslutter, Germany. + Radio Romania Actualitati, TX Lugoj-Boldur, 400 kW ?? Too much kW on this channel !!!!!. SUFF/V.GOOD. BOC-27
774 01...05/04 0525-0530 ; 0550-0600 ; 1110-1200 RNE R.1 Pais Valenciano, TX Valencia, Regional Program, // 801 kHz, Tx Castellon. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-27
783 01...05/04 0550-0559 ; 1010-1200 COPE Miramar, TX Barcelona, Catalunya, "Ona Migdia Cope Miramar" 0550 "Bom Dia Catalunya" After 0900- Programs of political opinions "Tertullias". Local program: 1110-1300. Best Signal from CATALUNYA on MW midday in BOC. SUFF/VERY GOOD. BOC-27
792 04+05/04 0550-0559 ; 1735-1750 SER R. Sevilla, Andalucia, ID "Radio Sevilla 792 Kcs Onda Media Y 103 Punto 2 De La Fm " 0550- "Hoy Por Hoy Andalucia" + Strong QRM Radio France Info, Tx Limoges. + ERA SPORT, TX Megara, Greece, Still Active !. POOR/FAIR. BOC-27
801 01...05/04 0550-0559 ; 1110-1200 RNE R1, Pais Valenciano, Tx Castellon, // 774 + RNE R1, Catalunya, Tx Girona, // 738. At evening frequency blocked by Bayern Plus, Tx Ismaning, 100 kW, Germany. WEB : SUFF/GOOD. BOC-27
810 05/04 0450-0459 SER R. Madrid, Regional program + QRM Skopiera Radio 1, Skopie. At evening blocking totally the frequency. Reactivated full power. 1200 kW. POOR/FAIR. BOC-27
819 03+04/04 1800-2130 Radio Euskadi, Tx San Sebastian, Euskadi. Spanish program, news, IDs + QRM RTM "A", Morocco, TX Rabat. + ERTU, TX Bhatrah, Egypt, in Arabic. Separable with loop S/N. POOR/GOOD. BOC-27
837 02-04/04 1105-1155 COPE Ibiza/Eivissa, Baleares. Weak signal listened midday in BOC after many BOC, again 5 kW ?. Poor/Fair. BOC-27
837 04-05/04 0525-0530 ; 1710-1750 COPE Sevilla, Andalucia, Local program monday till friday. "La semana Santa in Sevilla" + QRM Radio France Info Tx Nancy, France. Loop to SW/NE. Poor/Good. BOC-27
855 02...04/04 0550-0559 ; 1105-1159 RNE R.1 Catalunya, Tx Tarragona, // 738. + RNE R.1 Cantabria, Tx Santander. Regional program. Loop to N/S. Poor/Good. BOC-27
864 04/04 0550-0559 RNE R.1 Castilla La Mancha, Tx Soucellamos, Spain. Regional program. + QRM Radio France Bleu 107.1 Paris-Ile de France, 300 kW. WEB : At evening blocking the channel. + Radio Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. Another busy frequency. POOR/FAIR. BOC-27
873 04+05/04 0525-0530 SER R. Zaragoza, Aragon, "Hoy Por Hoy Aragon" Id & Adverts. + QRM Afn Germany, Tx Oberursel (Frankfurt), Germany. POOR/FAIR. BOC-27
882 31/03..05/04 0900...1600 COM RADIO, TX Barcelona, Catalunya, Catalan program. Phonecalls & Tertullias. WEB : SUFF/GOOD. BOC-27
909 05/04 0525-0530 RNE R.5 Baleares, Tx Palma Mallorca. Regional service. + QRM Radio Cluj, Romania, TX Jucu, Usually strong. At evening blocking the frequency also with BBC Radio 5,UK. Poor/Fair. BOC-27
936 05/04 0525-0530 RNE R.5 Zaragoza, Aragon, Spain. Regional program + QRM RAI 1 Network. Poor/Fair. BOC-27
954 03+04/04 2300-2345 ONDA CERO Radio, Madrid, Phonetalks Tertullias. (Cesky Rozhlas, TX Brno, Close At 2200 Hours). SUFF/GOOD. BOC-27
963 04/04 2300-2340 Euskadi Irratia, Tx Biribilondo, Spanish program // 756 & 819. + Horizont Radio, Tx Dragoman, Bulgaria. Suff/Good. Boc-27
972 05/04 0550-0559 RNE R.1 Melilla, Andalucia, Regional program. Tx Melilla. Poor/Fair. BOC-27
990 04/05 0450-0458 SER R. Cadiz, Andalucia, 0450 "Hoy Por Hoy Andalucia" + Ser R. Bilbao, Euskadi. + Qrm Deutschlandradio Kultur, Tx Berlin-Briz, Germany. 100 Kw. Poor/Good. BOC-27
1008 05/04 0450-0459 SER R. Alicante, Andalucia. Local "Hoy Por Hoy Alicante" Id & Advertising. + Ser R. Badajoz, "Hoy Por Hoy Extremadura" + Ser R. Girona, "Hoy Por Hoy Girona". All 3 Separable With Loop. + Qrm Groot Neuws Radio, Nederlands. Poor/fair. BOC-27
1008 02...04/04 1105-1129 ; 1135-1155 SER R. Girona, Catalunya. Local program. Weak signal at midday. POOR/FAIR. BOC-27
1017 04/04 0525-0530 RNE R.5 Burgos, Castilla Leon, Regional news. Frequency is more clear after closure of SWR Cont.Ra Germany. G Of January 2012). suff/good BOC-27
1026 02+04+05/04 0450-0459 ; 2155-2159 ; 2302-2305 SER R. Reus, Catalunya, in Catalan, dominant the channel, but not listened at midday in BOC. IDs : " Escoltan A Radio Reus Cadena Ser" + 0450- "Hoy Por Hoy Andalucia" Ser R. Andalucia (2 TXs JEAN & JEREZ) + Weak signals from RTA Chaine 1, TX Hassi-Messaoud 5 kW // 891 + IRIB 1 TX Tabriz, IRAN, In FARSI. Loop W/E. Israel is off on this frequency. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-27
1044 05/04 0450-0459 ; 0525-0530 SER R. San Sebastian, 0450- "Hoy Por Hoy Euskadi", 0525- "Hoy Por Hoy San Sebastian" + Ser R. Valladolid, Castilla Y Leon, 0450- Regional news. "Hoy Por Hoy Castilla Y Leon". POOR/GOOD. BOC-27
1080 02...04/04 0450-0459 ; 0525-0530 ; 0550-0559 ; 1105-1125 ; 1135-1155 ; 1705..1755 ; 2155-2159 SER R. Mallorca, Baleares, Regional News, 0625- "Hoy Por Hoy Baleares", 2155- "Hora 25 Mallorca". Weaker reception at midday at BOC. + 2305- Ser R. Huesca, Aragon. "Hora 25 Ser Huesca". Pppr/Good. BOC27
1098 04/04 0550-0600 RNE R.5 Andalucia (Txs Huelva & Almeria), Regional program Aandalucia + QRM from Slovakia. POOR/FAIR. BOC-27
1125 02..04/04 0525-0530 ; 0550-0559 ; 1135-1155 RNE R.5 Castellon, Pais Valenciano. Regional program. 0700-0715 Local program Monday to Friday. POOR/FAIR. BOC-27 (1125 Remark : Belgium Vivacite' Not heard! Kanal Kultur, Byelorussia heard only at evening with poor signal. May be just 10 kw TX is active ? BOC-27
1134 03..05/04 0525-0530 ; 0550-0559 COPE Andalucia, Tx Jerez De La Frontera, Andalucia. Regional program. Clear frequency in the morning. POOR/FAIR. BOC-27
1179 02..04/04 0945-0955 ; 1105-1125 ; 1135-1155 SER R. Valencia, Pais Valenciano, Regional & local programs, ID "Radio Valencia 1179 Onda Media". + at evening QRM from Antenne Saar, Germany & Romania Actualitati, Tx Galbeni. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-27
1197 01..04/04 1945-2100 Euskadi Irratia, Tx Vitoria. Euskadi, program in Euskera language, // 1386 & 1476. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-27
1215 05/04 0525-0530 COPE Santander, Cantabria, Local news. Mixed up/down with COPE Andalucia, Tx Cordoba, // 1134. POOR/FAIR. BOC-27
1224 03+05/04 0525-0530 ; 1105-1159 COPE Mallorca, Islas Baleares, listened with weak signals at midday. Local program in Mallorquin. POOR/FAIR. BOC-27
1260 02..04/04 2155-2159 ; 2303-2306 SER R. Murcia, 2255- "Radio Murcia 92.9 De La Fm, 1260 Onda Media". + SER R. Algeciras, Andalucia. Local news 2256- SUFF/GOOD. BOC-27
1269 02..04/04 1005-1200 ; 1705-1755 COPE Catalunya, in // 783 ! Still some local adverts breaks for Girona + evening QRM Deutschlandfunk, Tx Neumunster. POOR/FAIR. BOC-27
1287 02..04/04 0450-0459 ; 0525-0530 ; 0550-0559 ; 1725-1730 ; 2255-2259 SER R. Lleida, Catalunya. 0550- "Hoy Por Hoy Catalunya" + Mixed Up/Down SER R. Burgos, Castilla, Id "Ser Castilla De Burgos". POOR/GOOD. BOC-27
1296 01..04/04 0900...1600 ; 1705-1759 ; 2155-2159 Cope Valencia, "Cope Valencia En Los 1296 Kcs Onda Media", Local 1130-1200. + Qrm Radio Christo Botev, Tx Kardzhali, Bulgaria, Cultural programs POOR/GOOD. BOC-27
1305 05/04 0525-0530 ; 0550-0559 RNE R.5 Castilla La Mancha, Ciudad Real, good peaks only this morning. POOR/FAIR. BOC-27
1314 01+05/04 0525-0530 ; 0550-0559 RNE R.5 Catalunya, Tx Tarragona, Catalunya. + Qrm Radio Antena Satelor, Romania, Tx Ortisoara. POOR/FAIR. BOC-27
1341 05/04 0450-0459 SER Radio Leon, Castilla Y Leon, Regional news + ONDA CERO, Castilla La Mancha, Tx Ciudad Real, Regional program. POOR/FAIR. BOC-27
1386 01...04/04 1800-2330 Euskadi Irratia, Bilbao, Euskera Service, //1476. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-27
1413 02..05/04 0700-0715 ; 1105-1155 RNE R.5 Catalunya, Tx Girona, Catalunya, regional program. Weak midday reception in BOC. POOR/FAIR. BOC-27 1413 REMARK : Frequency is perturbated at evening from Voice Of Russia, Tx Grigoriopol, Moldavia, very strong. BOC-27
1476 01..04/04 1700-2330 Euskadi Irratia, Tx Biribilondo-San Sebastian, 50kW, Euskadi, in Euskera language, // 1386. Dominating the frequency. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-27
1485 03+04/04 0450-0500 ; 0520-0530 ; 0550-0600 ; 2155-2159 SER R. Santander, Cantabria. 0450- "Hoy Por Hoy Santander" Id. + Qrm Onda Rambla Cadena Punto Radio, Tx Vilanova I La Geltru, Catalunya, Id. 0458- ; 0550- "Onda Rambla 1485 Ona Midgia". Poor/Fair. BOC-27
1503 03/04 0525-0530 RNE R.5 Andalucia, Tx Campo de Gibraltar. Regional program. QRM Bosnia & Serbia. Poor/Fair BOC-27
1521 02..05/04 0450-0459 ; 0525-0530 ; 0550-0559 ;1105-1155 SER R. Castellon, Pais Valenciano, 0525- "Hoy Por Hoy Castellon". Weak signal at midday in BOC. POOR/FAIR. BOC-27
1539 03..05/04 0450-0459 ; 0550-0559 ; 1750-1758 ; 1842-1844 ; 2255-2259 SER R. Manresa, Catalunya, Id: " Radio Manresa 95 Punt 8 De La Efe Ema". SUFF/GOOD. BOC-27
1575 05/04 0450-0459 SER R. Pamplona, Euskadi. "Hoy Por Hoy Euskadi". + QRM RAI 1 Network. POOR/GOOD. BOC-27
1602 04/04 1957-1959 SER R. Ontinyent, Pais Valenciano, Local ID & Advertising. WEB : Email : Poor/Good. BOC-27
RX: SDR-IQ, Excalibur Pro - ANT: Loop Wellbrook LFL 1010
QTH: Bocca di Magra (La Spezia), Liguria
Giampiero Bernardini
** ZANZIBAR. 11735, April 26 at 1832 still trying to get R. Tanzania Zanzibar: nothing audible; by 1858 there is a JBA carrier; at 1958 a very poor signal; 2050 JBA carrier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
* BIAFRA [non]. 11870, April 26 at *1959:25 carrier on, very poor signal here in noise level, 2000 music; presumably R. Biafra London, new clandestine as scheduled Thu & Sat 20-21 due south from Wertachtal, GERMANY. Confirmed as such by several monitors further east. Sigh, we are just too far west into the dayside to get decent reception from this Eurafrican evening signals, plus poor propagation conditions. Checked at 2050, nothing audible aside Romania English on 11880 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
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