more clandestine station schedule updates
A12 Summer Schedule updates for Clandestine stations
All times UTC
Democratic Voice of Burma (via Armenia)
1430-1530 on 11560 ERV 300 kW / 100 deg to SEAs
2330-0030 on 11595 ERV 300 kW / 100 deg to SEAs
Voice of People (via Madagascar)
0400-0500 on 9870 MDC 050 kW / 265 deg to Zimbabwe
1600-1630 on 9445 MDC 050 kW / 265 deg to Zimbabwe
1800-1900 on 7330 MDC 050 kW / 265 deg to Zimbabwe
Voice of Tibet (via Madagascar)
1400-1430 on 17560 MDC 250 kw / 045 deg to CeAs. Strong jammer from China
Radio Free Sarawak (via Palau)
Bahasa May /Iban
1000-1200 on 15420 HBN 100 kw/ 270 deg to SEAs
Radio Tamazuj
Sudanese Arabic
0400-0430 on 11650 SMG 250 kW / 145 deg to SDN
0400-0430 on 15400 MDC 250 kW / 330 deg to SDN
0400-0430 on 15550 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg to SDN
Radio DabangaSudanese Arabic
0430-0600 on 11650 SMG 250 kW / 145 deg to SDN
0430-0600 on 15400 MDC 250 kW / 330 deg to SDN
0430-0600 on 15550 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg to SDN
1530-1630 on 15150 MDC 250 kW / 325 deg to SDN
1530-1630 on 15725 TRM 250 kW / 270 deg to SDN
Sudan South
New transmission of clandestine station Voice of South Sudan Revolutionary Radio in Sudanese Arabic & Engliah. First noted on Sat, May 5 at 1434-1651 on 11650, co-ch till 1500 China Radio International in Amoy; 1500-1600 FEBC in Russian.
Here is the situation on May 6,7,8: New start and new end time, new duration: 1334-1501 on 11650, co-ch till 1400 China Radio International in Esperanto; 1400-1500 CRI in Amoy
Observations of other transmissions on V.of South Sudan Revolutionary Radio
0404-0621 on 15725, no transmission on May 8, cancelled?
1830-1930 on 15725, no transmission on May 6,7, cancelled?
2000-2300 on 15650, no transmission on May 5,6,7, cancelled? Any ideas?
Radio Damal, Voice of the Somali People
Somali was changed start date from May 1 to May 8, according to latest BABCOCK schedule dated May 1:
0400-0700 on 15700 DHA 250 kW / 205 deg to EaAf, but no signal this morning
1830-1930 on 11740 WOF 300 kW / 122 deg to EaAf, please check today evening
1930-2130 on 11650 DHA 250 kW / 205 deg to EaAf, please check today evening
(DX Re Mix 728 via Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria)
All times UTC
Democratic Voice of Burma (via Armenia)
1430-1530 on 11560 ERV 300 kW / 100 deg to SEAs
2330-0030 on 11595 ERV 300 kW / 100 deg to SEAs
Voice of People (via Madagascar)
0400-0500 on 9870 MDC 050 kW / 265 deg to Zimbabwe
1600-1630 on 9445 MDC 050 kW / 265 deg to Zimbabwe
1800-1900 on 7330 MDC 050 kW / 265 deg to Zimbabwe
Voice of Tibet (via Madagascar)
1400-1430 on 17560 MDC 250 kw / 045 deg to CeAs. Strong jammer from China
Radio Free Sarawak (via Palau)
Bahasa May /Iban
1000-1200 on 15420 HBN 100 kw/ 270 deg to SEAs
Radio Tamazuj
Sudanese Arabic
0400-0430 on 11650 SMG 250 kW / 145 deg to SDN
0400-0430 on 15400 MDC 250 kW / 330 deg to SDN
0400-0430 on 15550 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg to SDN
Radio DabangaSudanese Arabic
0430-0600 on 11650 SMG 250 kW / 145 deg to SDN
0430-0600 on 15400 MDC 250 kW / 330 deg to SDN
0430-0600 on 15550 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg to SDN
1530-1630 on 15150 MDC 250 kW / 325 deg to SDN
1530-1630 on 15725 TRM 250 kW / 270 deg to SDN
Sudan South
New transmission of clandestine station Voice of South Sudan Revolutionary Radio in Sudanese Arabic & Engliah. First noted on Sat, May 5 at 1434-1651 on 11650, co-ch till 1500 China Radio International in Amoy; 1500-1600 FEBC in Russian.
Here is the situation on May 6,7,8: New start and new end time, new duration: 1334-1501 on 11650, co-ch till 1400 China Radio International in Esperanto; 1400-1500 CRI in Amoy
Observations of other transmissions on V.of South Sudan Revolutionary Radio
0404-0621 on 15725, no transmission on May 8, cancelled?
1830-1930 on 15725, no transmission on May 6,7, cancelled?
2000-2300 on 15650, no transmission on May 5,6,7, cancelled? Any ideas?
Radio Damal, Voice of the Somali People
Somali was changed start date from May 1 to May 8, according to latest BABCOCK schedule dated May 1:
0400-0700 on 15700 DHA 250 kW / 205 deg to EaAf, but no signal this morning
1830-1930 on 11740 WOF 300 kW / 122 deg to EaAf, please check today evening
1930-2130 on 11650 DHA 250 kW / 205 deg to EaAf, please check today evening
(DX Re Mix 728 via Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria)
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