Ascolti nel noise cittadino
Ecco qualche ascolto fatto a Milano nel rumore.
RX: Winradio G33DDC Excalibur Pro - Ant: T2FD
3975 29/11 0109 Azad Kashmir Radio, Pakistan, slow songs, talks, fair
4500 29/11 0118 CNR, Urumqui, China, talks in Mongolian (pres), ids around 0120 sounding like China Radio". Fiar/good
4765 29/11 0122 Tajik Radio, this night weaker then usual, songs, weak
4840 29/11 0125 WWCR, Nashville, USA, talks about population of USA and world, Good
4880 1/12 0109 AIR Lucknow, India, Indian songs, fair
5040 29/11 0128 Radio Habana, Cuba, in Creole, talks about Washington politics in Latin America and Caribbean. Very Good
5446.5 1/12 AFRTS, Key West, FL, USA, talks sport, fair, in USB, //7811
5755 1/12 0020 WTWW, Lebanon, TN, USA, night show & religious talks, good
5810 29/11 0134 WEWN, Vandiver, USA, talks in Spanish about the end of life and eutanasia, fair/good
5860 29/11 0131 Radio Farda, Irana Wila, Sri Lanka, news, id and songs as usual, fair with fading //5830 good
5952.41 29/11 0139 Radio Pio XII, Bolivia, nice music and phone conversation man/woman, fair
5960 29/11 0152 Radio Kuwait, Holy Kuran, good signal, but QRM from VOA and, after 0200, Radio Japan via Canada
6040 29/11 0203 Vatican Radio, via Bonaire, in Spanish, reports, fair, QRM from Belaruskoye Radio
6079.95 29/11 0215 Radio Marumby, Curitiba, Brazil, religious sermon (the Lord our doctor) //web streaming, fair
6080 29/11 0400 VOA, Sao Tome, news in English, fair, QRM from Radio Marumby
6090 29/11 Caribbean Beacon, Anguilla, usual talks, very good tonight
6095 29/11 0229 IRIB, Voice of Iran, start program (reported Pashtu), id, Holy Kuran. Good
6110 29/11 0420 Radio Fana, Ethiopia, Horn of Africa music & talks, fair
6160 29/11 0233 Radio Rossii, tx? Russian, talks, fair. No CBC Canada
6184.99 29/11 0240 Radio Educacion, Mexico, popular LA music, weak
6260 29/11 0250 CVC, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Hindi program, songs and talks, good
7180 29/11 0307 Voice of Broad Masses, Eritrea, Horn of Africa songs, fair
7245 29/11 0434 Radio Mauritanie, in Arabic, talks, good signal but modulation a little low
7365 29/11 0320 Radio Marti, USA, talks about Cuban society, very strong 9+30 //7405
playdx2003] Log "Girolla"Buccinascodomingo, 4 de diciembre, 2011 10:18
De: "Mauro"
Hola ....
Data Ora UTC kHz Call Stazione Modo ITU Note
03/12/2011 2106 1566 Radio Kolbe AM I Schio-px rel
01/12/2011 2031 2325 VL8T Tennant Creek AM AUS relay ABC
04/12/2011 0957 5000 IBF Torino AM I time signal +ID in I , F and E
03/12/2011 2050 13363,5 Argentina Armed Forces LSB ARG px relay id "Continental" off 20,57utc
03/12/2011 2100 15345 RAE General Pacheco AM ARG px mx in S
03/12/2011 1255 25000 MIKES Time Signal ESPOO AM FIN bip bip time signal
04/12/2011 0956 25000 MIKES Time Signal ESPOO AM FIN bip bip time signal
Ciao e buoni DX
- Mauro -
-Swl 1510-
-JRC525Nrd - Lowe HF150-
Filter PAR Electronics – BCST-LPF + BCST-HPF- DSP 9
-Eavesdropper SWL Sloper 11mt to 120mt Band- Loop ALA 100 M
-Lat. 45°25'0"N Long. 9°7'0"E -Locator grid. Jn 45 Nk-
playdx2003] Anker Petersen: Tips from Denmarklunes, 5 de diciembre, 2011 20:46
De: "Dario Monferini"
Dear DX-friends,
We had the first snow this winter last night and more is expected during
the coming week.
Here are my latest loggings heard on my AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of
longwire (which survived the recent strong storm!):
4716.71 2350-2400 BOL 01.12 R Yatun Aylly Yura, Yura
Spanish talk 15211 AP-DNK
4750.00 1430-1500* BGD 04.12 Bangladesh Betar, Dhaka
Bengali dialogue mentioning Bangladesh several times 43443 QRM with
Chinese Opera from Qinghai PBS-1, Xining AP-DNK
4814.97 0025-0035 B 02.12 R Difusora, Londrina, PR
Portuguese talk 24232 splashes from Xizang 4820 AP-DNK
4895 *0057-0105 IND 02.12 AIR Kurseong Nepali ann (p),
"Vande Mataram" hymn, songs 22332 QRM Mongoliin R + strong
heterodyne AP-DNK
4935.24 0055-0110 B 02.12 R Capixaba, Vitória, ES
Portuguese talk, Brazilian songs 25232 AP-DNK
4970 0110-0120 IND 02.12 AIR Shillong Vernacular ann,
Indian native songs 25232 AP-DNK
4974.96 0130-0145 UNID 02.12 UNID Latin American talk and
music in UNID language, probably either R A Nossa Voz or Del Pacifico
R 14111 weak heterodyne AP-DNK
7470 0210-0230 KWT 03.12 R Free Asia, via Kuwait Tibetan
talks, 0230 English ID: "This is Radio Free Asia. The following program
is in Tibetan" 34333 heard // Dushanbe, TTK on 9670 (15131) and UNID
site on 17730 (25232) AP-DNK
9480 1040-1100* D Su 04.12 R Gloria Int., via MV Baltic R,
Goehren German talk and playing "Zeppelin", 1058 closing ann and
schedule 55444 AP-DNK
9480 *1100-1200* D SU 04.12 MV Baltic R, Goehren German,
non-stop hard rock music 55444 AP-DNK
11600.02 1730-1801* LBY R TV Libye, Sabrata French talk
about the revolution with French interlude music, now good modulation
55444 AP-DNK
Best 73,
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