IV-EDXCV-2014: Comenzó la cuenta regresiva...!!!

IV-EDXCV-2014: Comenzó la cuenta regresiva...!!!
Diseño del Afiche: Yimber Gaviria, Cali, Colombia.

jueves, 26 de enero de 2012

VENEZUELA: Noticias DX de nuestro paìs.

 VENEZUELA. ... Daniel Peralta, director del Canal Internacional de 
Radio Nacional de Venezuela, lo que fue para mí la más interesante 
presentación, ya que dió a conocer la visión del Estado venezolano 
sobre la onda corta y el por qué de la puesta en el desarrollo de un 
centro transmisor propio; de acá rescato un par cosas. 

Por un lado la falta del avance en la obra civil y problemas con el 
servicio de fluido eléctrico han producido el retraso en la 
instalación de equipos y antenas que ya se tienen adquiridos. Quieren 
tener un mayor contacto con los oyentes y diexistas por esto de su 
participación en el evento que en el corto y mediano plazo redundará 
en beneficio del contacto con los mismos (Rafael Rodríguez reporting 
on the Colombo-Venezuelan DX Meeting, see CONVENTIONS & CONFERENCES, 
via DXLD)

** VENEZUELA [non]. Tho making a comeback after seven months, last 
Sunday Jan 8, no `Aló, Presidente` frequencies from RHC to be found, 
not even carriers, Jan 15 at 1442: no 11690, 13680, 13750, 15370 or 
17750. RHC had been putting 13750 on every Sunday with its own 
programming anyway. RHC still going at 1442 on 11750 an echo apart 
from 11760, 11840, 13670, 13780, 15230 and 15380. But other RHC 
frequencies normally on, were missing: 9850 and 9540. Still no A,P 
frequencies on air at 1603.

Around 1630 I check the AP website http://www.alopresidente.gob.ve/  
which says: ``"Aló, Presidente" cede su espacio al programa especial 
Misión Cumplida 2011. El programa "Aló, Presidente", en su emisión Nº 
377, que modera el jefe de Estado, Hugo Chávez Frías, cederá su 
espacio, este domingo 15 de enero, a la transmisión del programa 
especial Misión Cumplida 2011, en el que participarán todos los 
Ministros. Este programa comenzará a ... [blank]`` --- so presumably 
RHC will not broadcast this substitute? HCF has ``ceded his space`` on 
Jan 15 to this ``Mission Accomplished`` show.

No, at 1654, some of the AP frequencies are finally on the air: 15370 
with someone else in Spanish quite undermodulated, and // 17750 just 
barely modulated. While normally modulated bigsig on 13750 is now on, 
but with music instead --- just like last Sunday when it did not 
manage to join the other frequencies until 1830? Still no signals on 
11690 or 13680. No, at next check 1733, 13750 has joined the talk 
programming mixed with some music, even bits of ``New York, New York`` 
by Sinatra at 1735! O, at 1740 outro credits say this was a produxion 
of Radio Habana Cuba, so I guess they are just filling stuff instead 
of RNV relay (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VENEZUELA. At daytime, due to the short distance to Venezuela, many 
stations are audible with good reception quality. On the 2nd of 
December all stations from Venezuela I could hear, were carrying a
live transmission of the summit of Latin American and Caribbean States 
taking place in Venezuela. Long speeches were heard by President Hugo 
Chávez of Venezuela. 

The WRTH indicates that in 2009, The Venezuelan authorities announced 
the closure of some 240 AM and FM stations for failure to comply with 
licensing requirements. At time of editing the WRTH 2012, these 
measurements have still not been carried out. Those stations known to 
have closed are marked in the WRTH under Venezuela with an *. Indeed, 
I noticed 820 Radio Guadalupana, Coro already off the air in 2009.

While in 2009 I heard the also in Europe often reported 1470 CBN  
Valencia with good strength, now in December 2011, the station was off 
the air. Often in local afternoons many stations carry the same 
program of Radio Nacional de Venezuela and often referring to “el 
comandante” Hugo Chávez. 

Also programs or slogans of stations often refer to the government. 
Examples are 1070 Mundial Zulia ("Mundial Zulia revolución con impacto 
social de la mano con el pueblo") and 1280 Radio Trujillo ("Trujillo 
socialista en la calle"). 

While listening to stations from Venezuela you may hear the 
announcement of a classification of the following program, like “El 
siguiente programa recreativo informativo contiene elementos de 
lenguaje, tipo A elementos de salud tipo A, elementos sexuales tipo A, 
elementos de violencia tipo A y B que pueden ser escuchados por niños, 
niñas y adolescentes sin la supervisión de sus madres, padres, 
representantes o responsables”. In this case the program can be heard 
by children, adolescents without the supervision of parents, 
representatives or those who are responsible. 

Call signs are less often heard than in the past. Station 
identifications can often be heard during the programs, not especially 
at Venezuelan top of the hour (xx+30). Because of the many stations 
from Venezuela that are occupying the frequencies, hearing stations 
from other countries needs some more efforts. Identifying Venezuela is 
easy due to the local time of UT minus 4 and half hours while Colombia 
has UT -5 hours.

Also FM reception from Venezuela is possible on the ABC islands; 
especially stations from Coro are heard daily. The Venezuelan Rumbera 
Network has its own station on Curaçao on 107.9 FM. Every time I was 
on the islands I hoped for Sporadic E FM reception, but I never had 
luck (from a much longer illustrated article, LISTENING ON CURACAU, 
Tuning in from a new radio country, with Max van Arnhem, January 
Mediumwave News via DXLD)

On page 29 of latest MWN there is a report of likely closure of this 
station at end of 2011. Vibración was still on last night; ID heard at 
0057 4th January. 73s (Steve Whitt, MW Circle yg via DXLD)

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