IV-EDXCV-2014: Comenzó la cuenta regresiva...!!!

IV-EDXCV-2014: Comenzó la cuenta regresiva...!!!
Diseño del Afiche: Yimber Gaviria, Cali, Colombia.

lunes, 31 de enero de 2011

ITALIA: Captaciones de Giampiero Bernardini

Altri ascolti tranquilli tra i 7 e i 12 MHz:

7325 31/1 1135 Voice of Russia, DRM, reports in German, music. No visual id! It is possible to read only: "LABEL SERVICE 0". They forgot something. Good signal

9390 31/1 1104 WEWN Radio, USA, talks about USA Catholic history and culture. Fair

9505 31/1 1110 Int. Radio Serbia, in Serbian, Serbian economics and other reports. Good

9550 30/1 2015 FEBA, Rwanda, in Arabic, talks and songs, good

9690 31/ 1230 Voice of Nigeria, id, music, reports in English. Fair signal but QRM from CRI in Russian on 9685.

9575 31/1 1114 Medì 1, Morocco, very nice songs, very good

9704.99 30/1 2003 La Voix du Sahel, Niger, reports in Vernacular, Afro songs, fair

9780 30/1 *2000 VOA, Sao Tome, start bc in French, Jazz. Tx problem after one minute: signal off for several seconds. Good

9870 31/1 1121 Radio New Zealand Int. DRM, weak signal so only visual info were decoded. No audio.

9880 31/1 *1129 Radio Prague, start of the English broadcast, news, fair

9935 31/1 1132 ERT3 Makedonias, Greece, news in Greek, very good

11530 31/1 1044 Denge Mezopotamia, Clandestine in Kurdish via Ukraine, long talks with some music. Fair/good

11710.74 31/1 1049 RAE, Argentina, Talks in Japanese and usual tango music, weak

11815 30/1 1940 Radio Brasil Central, long talks, weak

11825 31/1 1156-1158* Adventist World Radio, Guam, talks in Chinese, end of Bc. Good

11855 31/1 *1200 Adventist World Radio, Guam, start of Bc in Chinese. English lesson. Good.

11900 31/1 1041 BNR Horizont DRM, Bulgaria, "BNR Digital" Interview about Middle East and Arabic World, songs. Strong signal, excellent audio

11924.97 30/1 1930 Radio Bandeirantes, Portuguese, sport talks, poor

11945 31/1 1203 Radio Australia, news in English, weak

11955 31/1 1056-1058* Adventist World Radio, Guam, end of broadcast, good

12035 31/1 *1059 Adventist World Radio, Guam, start of broadcast in Chinese, id in English, fair

QTH: Milano, Italia - RX: Perseus & Icom R71E - ANT: T2FD 15 meters long

My Short Wave blog: http://radiodxsw.blogspot.com/



Giampiero Bernardini

Milano, Italy


Qualche ascolto comodo sopra i 13 Mhz. Ottimo segnale dalla Nuova Zelanda sui 13660 kHz



13580 31/1 1026 Radio Mashaal, via Thailand to Pakistan, reports, web address, fair

13590 30/1 1920 CVC OneAfrica, Zambia, in English, pop songs,fair/good

13625 31/1 1152 Voice of Turkey, id in many languages and news, unid lang. good

13660 31/1 1140 Radio New Zealand Int., interview, English. good

15100 31/1 0950 Radio Pakistan, Pakistani slow songs, //17700 fair/good

15120 31/12 1218 Radio Habana, Cuba, Politics, sport. Fair

15200 31/1 1031 KTWR, Trans World Radio, Guam, unid language, long talks, fair

15225 30/1 1215 Radio Veritas, Philippinas, Asian language, slow music, talks, long id at 1229 and start new program. Fair

15260 31/1 1035 Adventist World Radio, Guam. slow talks in Chinese, fair

15290 31/1 1221 Radio Jordan, Arabic songs, Arabic, good

15340 30/1 1231 HCJB, Australia, start program in unid Asian language, songs, good. In low AMS to avoid QRM from Morocco on 15341 kHz.

15341 31/1 1038 RTV di Maroc, Arabic songs, good

15345 30/1 1905 Radio Nacional Argentina, sport talks: basket, good

15400 30/1 1240 HCJB, Australia, English program, religious talks, fair-good

15450 31/1 0959 FEBA, Manila, Philippines, start program in unid language, songs, fair

15610 30/1 1250 WEWN, USA, religious talks in English, very good

15690 31/1 1003 Radio Farda, Sri Lanka, usual program in Farsi, // 17815 & 17840 kHz Fair

15785 31/1 1005 Galei Zahal, Israel, reports, fair, deep fading, at 1040 good

15825 30/1 1258 WWCR, USA, religious talks, English, fair

17530 31/1 1008 Radio Free Afghanistan, reports mentioning Afghanistan, language reported as Dari, tx located in Kuwait. Weak/fair

17670 31/1 1211 Radio Poland, reports in Polish, good //17715

17680 30/1 1304 CVC Voz Cristiana, Chile, talks in Spanish and songs, weak but clear

17700 31/1 1013 Radio Pakistan, songs in // with 15100 kHz. Weak

17800 31/1 1214 Deutsche Welle, Rwanda relay, reports in French. Fair

17815 31/1 1016 Radio Farda, talks, ids in // with 15690 & 17840 but weak

17840 31/1 1018 Radio Farda, songs, //15690 & 17815 kHz. Fair

19010 31/1 1020 Radio Free Afghanistan, via Kuwait, reports, //17530 weak

21715 31/1 1023 Radio Farda, via Sri Lanka, //15690 & others, poor

QTH: Milano, Italia - RX: Perseus & Icom R71E - ANT: T2FD 15 meters long

My Short Wave blog: http://radiodxsw.blogspot.com/



Giampiero Bernardini

Milano, Italy

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