UNID - 6059.99, thanks gh for clarification. Didn't stay on the fqy more than a few moments, once the new signal obliterated my unid and had assumed -- perhaps incorrectly -- that it was RN Venezuela as per Aoki . . . but frankly, had no real interest to determine. So, for now, a stronger Unid covering up my weaker, more interesting, Unid! (Perry, Illinois)
From: Ralph Perry
To: Anker Petersen
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 10:42 AM
Subject: DX Loggings - Ralph Perry - 19 January
UNID / (PERU?) - 6059.99, weak LA station noted 1116 on 1/19, SS not PP anmts. Pgm of pop ballads and plenty of anmts by super-fast-talking OM in SS. Needed ECSS-LSB to optimize reception. Blotted out at 1129 by big signal from RN Venezuela (that is, unless earlier station actually WAS the YV bcstr, which suddenly did a beam or power change for 1130 . . . but tend to think not, as earlier station sounded much more like a commercial station.) Would be great if this was the new Peruvian, Aroma Cafe Radio, but needs a lot of work. Open carrier noted here at 1055 the day before, so station may be signing on at *1100. (Perry, Illinois)
ECUADOR - 4814.98, Radio El Buen Pastor, 1/2 at 1106 with HC pasillos featuring guitars and piano, YL singers. Usual high-voiced OM ancr with timecheck at 1108, then back into pleasant program of folklorico mx. Fair sig with usual blipping ute QRM. One of the only places on the band to hear wonderful HC folkloric music, the other being HCJB - Pichincha on 6050 kHz. Speaking of that, what is the source of the unid signal hetting HCJB at approx 6050.84, many mornings? Can never raise audio from it but certainly tantalizing. (Perry, Illinois)
BRAZIL - 4876.48, presumed Roraima, noted most mornings as early as 0930 and holding on past 1015 checks. As always, decent signal strength but very problematic modulation. Ballads noted early (0930 segment) and news talk show 1015 and thereabouts, (Perry, Illinois)
HONDURAS - 3250.06, Radio Luz Y Vida with fair signal and light het on 1/17 at 1140, high pitched OM with talks re "La Biblia". (Perry, Illinois)
BOLIVIA - 4699.33, Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, 1/18 at 1008 thru 1029, fair signal and muffled mod with that "bottom of the barrel" sound, hi. 1014 seemed like a regional news segment with light echo. Clear mtns of Bolivia, and then, at 1016 "...las seis de la manana y 16 minutos con la musica de la madrugada en San Miguel . . .". Into nondescript vocals. Ad string at 1028 but couldn't pick up any product names. (Perry, Illinois)
PERU - 4774.95, Radio Tarma, 1/18 noted at 1030 check with good signal but under thick pulse hute. YL huayno with guitar, to 1032 OM ancr. (Perry, Illinois)
PERU - 5038.18, Radio Libertad de Junin, came here from Tarma on 1/18 at 1035 and found fairly good signal, certainly best Andean signal on the band. Morning folklorico program, nice huaynos with yipping singers backed by guitars. At 1040 reverb taped ads followed by very nice, live ID by OM: "...en la ciudad de Junin, amables oyentes, ustedes escuchando a Radio Libertad . . . esperando le gusta . . . la musica nacional . . " Then into huayno with YL and guitar. (Perry, Illinois)
HONDURAS - 3250.06, Radio Luz Y Vida with fair signal and light het on 1/17 at 1140, high pitched OM with talks re "La Biblia". (Perry, Illinois)
BOLIVIA - 4699.33, Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, 1/18 at 1008 thru 1029, fair signal and muffled mod with that "bottom of the barrel" sound, hi. 1014 seemed like a regional news segment with light echo. Clear mtns of Bolivia, and then, at 1016 "...las seis de la manana y 16 minutos con la musica de la madrugada en San Miguel . . .". Into nondescript vocals. Ad string at 1028 but couldn't pick up any product names. (Perry, Illinois)
PERU - 4774.95, Radio Tarma, 1/18 noted at 1030 check with good signal but under thick pulse hute. YL huayno with guitar, to 1032 OM ancr. (Perry, Illinois)
PERU - 5038.18, Radio Libertad de Junin, came here from Tarma on 1/18 at 1035 and found fairly good signal, certainly best Andean signal on the band. Morning folklorico program, nice huaynos with yipping singers backed by guitars. At 1040 reverb taped ads followed by very nice, live ID by OM: "...en la ciudad de Junin, amables oyentes, ustedes escuchando a Radio Libertad . . . esperando le gusta . . . la musica nacional . . " Then into huayno with YL and guitar. (Perry, Illinois)
Ralph Perry, Wheaton, Illinois
Drake R8B; Japan Radio NRD-545; Eton E1; Hallicrafters SX100; Knightkit Star Roamer
Dentron Super Tuner + Ameco PLF-2 + Palomar P-408 + customized (tropical bands) Quantum Phaser antenna unit
Longwires (150' + 100'); Tuned Multi-Turn 20" Small Loop; Single-Turn Coax Loop.
"Anker Petersen" , "Cumbre DX" , dxld@yahoogroups.com, "hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com" , "Lista Conexion Digital" ...más
UNID / (PERU?) - 6059.99, weak LA station noted 1116 on 1/19, SS not PP anmts. Pgm of pop ballads and plenty of anmts by super-fast-talking OM in SS. Needed ECSS-LSB to optimize reception. Blotted out at 1129 by big signal from RN Venezuela (that is, unless earlier station actually WAS the YV bcstr, which suddenly did a beam or power change for 1130 . . . but tend to think not, as earlier station sounded much more like a commercial station.) Would be great if this was the new Peruvian, Aroma Cafe Radio, but needs a lot of work. Open carrier noted here at 1055 the day before, so station may be signing on at *1100. (Perry, Illinois)
Ralph, while Aroma Cafe Radio would be a hot catch, it would also be big news if R Nacional de Venezuela relays via Cuba have resumed. The daily broadcasts have all been missing since last summer. Just because they`re still listed in Aoki doesn`t mean they really exist! I suggest the big signal from 1129 was really CRI in Tagalog as listed unless you are sure it was in Spanish? Argentina in Portuguese is also on 6060 M-F at 11-12.
73, Glenn Hauser
Ralph, while Aroma Cafe Radio would be a hot catch, it would also be big news if R Nacional de Venezuela relays via Cuba have resumed. The daily broadcasts have all been missing since last summer. Just because they`re still listed in Aoki doesn`t mean they really exist! I suggest the big signal from 1129 was really CRI in Tagalog as listed unless you are sure it was in Spanish? Argentina in Portuguese is also on 6060 M-F at 11-12.
73, Glenn Hauser
UNID / (PERU?) - 6059.99, weak LA station noted 1116 on 1/19, SS not PP anmts. Pgm of pop ballads and plenty of anmts by super-fast-talking OM in SS. Needed ECSS-LSB to optimize reception. Blotted out at 1129 by big signal from RN Venezuela (that is, unless earlier station actually WAS the YV bcstr, which suddenly did a beam or power change for 1130 . . . but tend to think not, as earlier station sounded much more like a commercial station.) Would be great if this was the new Peruvian, Aroma Cafe Radio, but needs a lot of work. Open carrier noted here at 1055 the day before, so station may be signing on at *1100. (Perry, Illinois)
ECUADOR - 4814.98, Radio El Buen Pastor, 1/2 at 1106 with HC pasillos featuring guitars and piano, YL singers. Usual high-voiced OM ancr with timecheck at 1108, then back into pleasant program of folklorico mx. Fair sig with usual blipping ute QRM. One of the only places on the band to hear wonderful HC folkloric music, the other being HCJB - Pichincha on 6050 kHz. Speaking of that, what is the source of the unid signal hetting HCJB at approx 6050.84, many mornings? Can never raise audio from it but certainly tantalizing. (Perry, Illinois)
BRAZIL - 4876.48, presumed Roraima, noted most mornings as early as 0930 and holding on past 1015 checks. As always, decent signal strength but very problematic modulation. Ballads noted early (0930 segment) and news talk show 1015 and thereabouts, (Perry, Illinois)
HONDURAS - 3250.06, Radio Luz Y Vida with fair signal and light het on 1/17 at 1140, high pitched OM with talks re "La Biblia". (Perry, Illinois)
BOLIVIA - 4699.33, Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, 1/18 at 1008 thru 1029, fair signal and muffled mod with that "bottom of the barrel" sound, hi. 1014 seemed like a regional news segment with light echo. Clear mtns of Bolivia, and then, at 1016 "...las seis de la manana y 16 minutos con la musica de la madrugada en San Miguel . . .". Into nondescript vocals. Ad string at 1028 but couldn't pick up any product names. (Perry, Illinois)
PERU - 4774.95, Radio Tarma, 1/18 noted at 1030 check with good signal but under thick pulse hute. YL huayno with guitar, to 1032 OM ancr. (Perry, Illinois)
PERU - 5038.18, Radio Libertad de Junin, came here from Tarma on 1/18 at 1035 and found fairly good signal, certainly best Andean signal on the band. Morning folklorico program, nice huaynos with yipping singers backed by guitars. At 1040 reverb taped ads followed by very nice, live ID by OM: "...en la ciudad de Junin, amables oyentes, ustedes escuchando a Radio Libertad . . . esperando le gusta . . . la musica nacional . . " Then into huayno with YL and guitar. (Perry, Illinois)
HONDURAS - 3250.06, Radio Luz Y Vida with fair signal and light het on 1/17 at 1140, high pitched OM with talks re "La Biblia". (Perry, Illinois)
BOLIVIA - 4699.33, Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, 1/18 at 1008 thru 1029, fair signal and muffled mod with that "bottom of the barrel" sound, hi. 1014 seemed like a regional news segment with light echo. Clear mtns of Bolivia, and then, at 1016 "...las seis de la manana y 16 minutos con la musica de la madrugada en San Miguel . . .". Into nondescript vocals. Ad string at 1028 but couldn't pick up any product names. (Perry, Illinois)
PERU - 4774.95, Radio Tarma, 1/18 noted at 1030 check with good signal but under thick pulse hute. YL huayno with guitar, to 1032 OM ancr. (Perry, Illinois)
PERU - 5038.18, Radio Libertad de Junin, came here from Tarma on 1/18 at 1035 and found fairly good signal, certainly best Andean signal on the band. Morning folklorico program, nice huaynos with yipping singers backed by guitars. At 1040 reverb taped ads followed by very nice, live ID by OM: "...en la ciudad de Junin, amables oyentes, ustedes escuchando a Radio Libertad . . . esperando le gusta . . . la musica nacional . . " Then into huayno with YL and guitar. (Perry, Illinois)
Ralph Perry, Wheaton, Illinois
Drake R8B; Japan Radio NRD-545; Eton E1; Hallicrafters SX100; Knightkit Star Roamer
Dentron Super Tuner + Ameco PLF-2 + Palomar P-408 + customized (tropical bands) Quantum Phaser antenna unit
Longwires (150' + 100'); Tuned Multi-Turn 20" Small Loop; Single-Turn Coax Loop.
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